To avoid these 4 steps, ie. adding two static fields in each table A & B- Source, Ranking. Is there a way we can do it in sql ? Please share .
So technically I cant do Ranking and adding constants in one single ETL. As both my Table A & B needs ranking and adding constants.
When I try to select same input data set in second one to add ID, it does not let me. it greys out.- Im trying to follo wthe pic you shared, like I am unable to get Data combined Governance in two input data sets. EG: Table A-----> Add Constants Table A( its greyed out )-----------> Add constants 1
Thank you! can this b edone in one ETL flow ? Like Add Constants and Rank & Window? When I add these two on Table A, it gives me error .
Hi! The visulization worked. But when I remove the Sum from X, Y and series, it does not show the visulization needed. Also its multiplying the values * 10 times if Sum function is used. Does Sum function only serves Line+ Grouped Bar ? Best,
No option to export! Did not see any exort option in the ranch. Not sure if its the different privledge options in Domo ?
Either, I tried doing it in SQL. by ading Alter table- indexing . no luck! Please give me code to include Unique number to every row of the o/p in SQL or ETL
worked. But now I am trying to display the x axis in monthly manner. And when I club with Fiscal calendar it screws up all my Revenue and Amount value. Not sure if I am doing anything wrong on logic end. My data flows whoch shows correct data- which is weekly wise. Revenue Plan Inner join with Amount table= this produce…
In between do we have this capability in Domo graph. It shows value on bar ? like I want to display every months forcasted value, eg: at present show foracasted value of December? attached is the screenshot.
I just read about grouped stackbar +Line. It worked. thank you.
@rahul93 Business is manually calculating the Sales every week and putting it in excel dashboard. How can I do similar calculations in Domo. Pivot tables consists of : 1. Ship Fiscal Week Number 2. Unique Invoice- 3. Product category 4. Total of each product How can I formulate this in magic ETL/ SQL.
Thanks for explaining it so nicely, appreciate it ! I am curious as if I split the dim date, how will it get automated then? As all the data is sitting in one spreadsheet only. As this sales information will be coming everyday, the scheduled file is updated everyday. How will Dim date get updated then ?
Also my spreadsheet has data from 2010, I need to formulate this from 20181230- 2019-0106 hence forth. Like this
Please elaborate, how can I code this in SQL? If I understood it correctly did you mean, I make one separate sheet which contains only date of sales and then join that to whole data. .But how do I code in SQL?
Please show me how to do this. I really like this layout.
I see this feature now- Design Dashboard! Sample of data : Three reports clubbing in which makes record of the employees in different region- America, APAC,EMEA. And I want to create a dashboard, which can be filetered by each manager who can further drill down by seeing how many empkoyees under him, which region has…
No ! We dont have design dashboard feature. Do we have any alternative ?
This is what I am looking for. How shall I do this ?
Data : mgr(30) in all different region where his/her team can sign up to 30 different courses. They need to find out how many completed the training, and how many not.
can I spilt the visulization like the picture shown above? % of no of courses Completed - Yes - Green color. % of courses not completed - Red color for one single manager ?
Thanks thats so helpful ! Do you know if we can put a condition in Transorm ? eg: I want encryption for some particular country ? Can we put a where condition ?
Please show me how to do it in Workbench?
So I have three different reports/ 3 jobs whoch are getting into the ETL as these 3 reports are lve files gets updated every night/fortnight, which needs encryption(data masking). Do you have any example how to do in workbench ?
Thank you for your reply, can you please give me an example how to do personalized Data Permission on the data set?
Hello, I am trying to setup the SFTP connection, so one of the department can drop the file tothe local DOMO server. But looks like it asks for the password. Which I am not sure how that worksd- is it the .Pem key/ Dataset id. It would be great if you could tell me how did you setup the SFTP Connection. Thanks
Thanks for your response. I am waiting to use this feature.
Hi, I am looking how to traverse OLD G/L value from V look up instead of hard coding it. So V-lookup has values like GLCurrent13000220313000230314200300121420030112142005001225800700122590010012 So, in the code for now I have hard coded in formulae to find if the A/C is old/ current like this : CASE WHEN…
Thanks for the response, but Old/New G/L is dependant on the Vlookup. How am I suppose to put that together? Old/NEw G/L :if (period_diff(date_format(CURDATE()+15, '%Y%m'),date_format(`posting Date`, '%Y%m'))>`G/L`,`GL`:`Current`,2,0),1,0)). Here GL:current is the Vlookup table. Also, I dragged the calculation of Age in…
Example of Vlookup in the scenario Im trying to execute is : I have some G/L accounts, for which have perfomed calculations like age in Months. Have a Vlookup that makes certain G/L account as OLD /NEW for which I am using Vlookup. So I need to use the calculation of Age in Months in Beast Mode when I compare it with the…