Thanks Jae, appreciate your details response and suggestions. I opted for the easiest/quickest way, specifying each tag individually as its own case. e.g CASE WHEN `tags` LIKE '%tag1%' THEN 'tag1' END Many Thanks Simon
Corrected mistake in above, CASE WHEN `tag` LIKE `tags` THEN `tags` END
Thanks Jae, The build which did work as a preview failed after 3 hours. I'll try limiting the data, but I've got a feeling a big dataset is getting exponentially bigger. Thanks Simon
Thanks Jae for your reply and video, I watched your windowed function video a few weeks back which proved useful. I think this solution will work, I've recreated as per your video but it fails on build. The preview seems to work yet order_site is only shown when the addon is present otherwise its null, not sure if the…