Rob_E Member


  • Adrien - Can you share the ticket ID? I am seeing this issue as well and wondering if it's still an open issue or if there is any additional information about why it happens. Thank you!
  • I am also experiencing this. It does seem like a bug to me because it leads to inconsistent and confusing behavior for the end user. For example, when I create a checkbox selector card on a field that contains null values, selecting anything other null impacts all cards on the page (assuming all cards built on the same…
  • Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't this already possible using the parameters under Scale Marker?
  • Sounds like you want to create a card that looks like this: If so, you can do so using a stacked bar chart and dummy records to do the grouping (and normalized dataset shown in previous reply): 1.) Create a concatenated field for the x-axis (Country and Age Group in this instance) 2.) Create a dummy record for each space…
  • Thank you for the response. It's not so much the scheduled uploads that are a concern, but the ad hoc uploads. I am in the process of setting up scheduled uploads.
  • Thank you for the quick response. The issue is that our team has a couple of data sources that are uploaded manually. We want to establish a back-up person for uploading the data. Having only one person (owner) who can do this is not an issue but periodically the need arises to upload data when the owner is not available -…
  • Hi @mpoudel, I'm not using beast mode on this collection: It's a stacked bar graph + a table. Page filters are on three unmodified data columns ("Product Grouping", "Product", and "Approval Status"). I managed to get around the error by setting up an ETL that renames two columns that were common names in both collections…