PodiumMason Contributor


  • Hey @user04816, here's a statement that works in a MySQL dataflow that can pull all weekdays for a current month for a specific date. (does not account holidays). (DATEDIFF(LAST_DAY(`Date`),`Date`) + 1) - ((WEEK(LAST_DAY(`Date`)) - WEEK(`Date`)) * 2) - (case when weekday(`Date`) = 6 then 1 else 0 end) - (case when…
  • Hi @WizardOz what data source are you trying to connect specifically? Usually for data sources that are not available, Domo support can help you connect to the data. As a more general answer to your question, an Admin can connect a data source, then share access to that data source by building a card and sharing the card…
  • Hey @dale_anderson, I did a bit of digging, and found that (in the Domo connector at least) the parameters start_date and end_date determine the data range for the API. These can be set to specific offset values, such as "today" or "today-5" (today less 5 days). Code below with some relevant parameters bolded. According to…
  • Hi @user08320! Just a quick glance at the connector documentation in the knowledge base, and it doesn't look like the connector has the functionality at this moment to adjust data types. You could do a quick Magic ETL job on your smartsheet dataset in Domo to change the data types. This will probably be the fastest fix. If…
  • Hi @arav are you seeing this message in the analyzer (Card builder) screen as you're building the drill down or are you seeing this after you select a value on the top level of the card and then drill through? I would think that a filter applied at the top level would filter it enough to show all the records (Especially…
  • Hey @Kurbz I can confirm that this is a bug that I've seen as well. If the schema is changed at all in any of the input datasets for the joins, those columns won't be made available without recreating the joins. (Also column names can't be changed after creating the fusion initially, not sure if this is a bug or more of an…
  • Hi there and welcome to Domo! Are you using Free Domo? That may be why you can't adjust your refresh frequency. Otherwise, like @swagner said, you can adjust the refresh frequency of the dataset (and in turn the cards attached to it) at the dataset level in the datacenter, or within the Workbench tool if that's what you're…
  • Hey @AnkitS Let's examine quickly what you're trying to do and make sure we go about this the right way. You mentioned that at the higest level you just want a graph that shows how many people clicked on each choice. Example: X-Axis Category (Chicken, Fish, Egg), Y-Axis Number of choosers of each individual answer. You…
  • @AttuAk you must be an SSAS cube user? or Power BI? Tableau? ? This is a great idea that I don't believe currently exists within the product, but would be awesome to see this one in the ideas exchange. Currently breaking out dateparts in beast mode would be a workaround, although that's not perfect nor incredibly simple.…
  • There is some pretty cool R stuff that you can utilize with the Domo workbench R plugin. I don't know what documentation exists for it, but I imagine if you talked to someone Domo internal you could probably get some info on it. 
  • Hi and Welcome to Domo! In the Domo platform itself you'll be using a LOT of SQL. Generally MySQL but also possibly Postgresql/redshift. If you're going to be building Domo apps, web programming languages like Javascript, HTML and CSS. Working with the Domo API's, Java will probably be useful. You don't NEED to use a…
  • I don't know of a way to do that in the product currently, but this sounds like a good idea for the Dojo ideas exchange. You could submit it there and have the community vote on it. Eventually, feature switching for admins could be added to the product. Best of luck!
  • @Sweep_The_Leg You know what, I just looked at the connector and it doesn't look like it actually has the functionality to switch between append and replace. Interesting. Have you tried creating a brand new dataset and importing the sheet, do the old columns still pull over? This could be a legitimate connector bug that…
  • Hey tiffanywijaya, I know that the instagram organic connector is very limited in the metrics you can pull from it. Aside from likes, comments, and followers (among a few others, media, media type, etc.), impression data to my knowledge is not available, along with click through to a link in bio. It's mostly a matter of…
  • Hey Jim_inx, I think I might need some additional detail to give you a good solution to this problem. Are you hoping to show Open Customers total sales alongside all customers total sales? The short answer is that filtering at the card level will filter your values. Using beast mode, there are ways to get around this, but…
  • Hi There! You can export table cards to excel sheets, which can then be attached to an email at your convenience. If you click into the table card, there should be an icon that looks like a rectangle with an arrow pointing up out of it. Click that, then select "Export" then choose the filetype you'd like. You will then…
  • Hey Amy! The way dataflow works is that it creates a temporary environment and loads your input tables and any transforms you create in the dataflow into temporary tables that only exist in that environment. This means that any changes you make to the input datasets or other transforms only happen at the temporary table…
  • Hi there, Did the data change in the time you created the card and then checked it again? If the data column you were previously using is not showing as a date datatype, that could be causing the issue. The other thing you could try is to make sure the date field is selected using the "date range field" dropdown on the…
  • Hi there! MySQL does not support OVER() along with other window functions. Redshift however, does support these. If you don't currently have access to Redshift dataflows, please contact Domo Support to have those turned on inside your Domo instance. This link may be helpful in emulating some windowed functionalities in…
  • Hey Jerawso! I don't know of a way to do this on a card level, but if you use ETL, you could add a goal column to your dataset, then use that column as a series on your graph (for a line). That way whatever filter you added to the graph the goal line would adjust accordingly. Let me know if you need any help with it and I…
  • Thanks for providing the additional information! So you're viewing the data at the cardbuilder level, and at the top level that's fine because that's where the date is going to be specified. When you view the data in your drillpaths at the cardbuilder screen, you're going to see the entire dataset's worth of data as you're…
  • Hey mbauer, Do you by chance have the dataset set to append, rather than replace? The only thing I can think of is that the connector is attempting to append a new schema to the old one, so you get the old columns as well. If that's not the case, I would recommend reporting a bug to Domo Support. Let me know if the above…
  • Hey AttuAK, Are you able to provide screenshots of what you're seeing? I created a test card that I tried a couple different ways, once with the date as the x-axis with all time range selected, once with category with all time range selected, once with date as x-axis with most recent quarter selected, and once with…
  • Hi Klagrangian! Word clouds are a chart type in Domo, located under "Other Charts" in the cardbuilder interface. Here's a link from the knowledge base on some instructions for building them. http://knowledge.domo.com?cid=wordcloud Good luck! Screenshot:
  • @Kurbz You're right, that is one of the drawbacks to this solution, you'd have to add a beast mode each time a new category was added to the data. It would be nice to have multiple dynamic series on graphs though, I think that's a good suggestion for the ideas exchange.
  • Hey Kurbz, There is a way I know to solve this, it does require the creation of several beast modes. What you'll need to do is one series for each category (`Type`) in your case. Example: SUM(Case when `Type` = 'organic' then `Revenue` else 0 end) You'd want to do one beast mode for each type. In your use case, you'd leave…
  • Hi there! I'm having a bit of trouble visualizing your dataset based on your row level description. Do you have column headers for each of the different values in the row? For example: Category User 1 User 2 Field Value End User 1 Field Value End User 1 End User 2 Could you possibly attach a screenshot of your dataset?…
  • @ahackett Andrew No problem! Glad you got it worked out!
  • Oh, I see you're using the NetSuite Analytics Connector. I'm not too familiar with what functions are available. I did a quick Google search and found this function that might be helpful: ADD_MONTHS( {today},-12 ) I believe you insert the column name into the brackets, or replace the example column name and brackets with…