NewsomSolutions Contributor


  • Not sure about the 'forced logoff' issue, but they have an apple TV app for just this scenario if you can't get it worked out on a browser. Hope that helps. Matt *Please like to thank.
  • The totals row is derived in Domo. So when you export to excel it is just giving you the data from the table vs the add-on rows that Domo came up with for totals. It shows up in a presentation/report because it is a view of the card not export of the data. Hope that helps Matt *Please like to thank
  • Both Dataset and Dataflows have a History tab at the top when you are in it for should show you run times there. Matt *Please Like to Thank
  • @user14877 I don't believe there is a way for you to hide/display cards based on data results. At least on a dashboard/publication group set up. I'm guessing you don't want people to see 'no data generated for this card' type message when no data is available for them? If that is the case you might be able to create a row…
  • I think you'd be better off doing a BeastMode and doing a case statement something like: case when field = x then numerator1/denominator1 when field = y then numberator1/denominator2 .... end That way you may be able to use these values in other cards down the road if you need to vs creating data for just one card type.
  • If this data is broken up in two columns already you can use this: To count without duplicates: count(distinct()) You can do this from beastmode in a card or do if from mysql. If you are trying to ignore the bar and whatever number is after it, then you'll have to do some more work of course: *If you're already in the card…
  • @user06848 yes you should be able to do that. In my limited experience using the date for rep variable though what I found was that no matter what format you have your date set as, it will come back from the replacement variable as something like yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss and then you would have to strip the time out and convert…
  • Good Morning @user06848 , I see there haven't been any responses publicly to this so I'm going to see if I can help, maybe even if it is just getting you to think of it differently, maybe I can help here. 1. So for the 'best practice for a large amt of data' for workbench, in the past, what I've tried to do is use the…
  • Starting off, to write something back to your SFTP server you'd need the writeback funcationliaty enabled. For the reports/ you mean that you want 1 report / 1 customer ID? or a group of customer IDs get one format and another group gets another? If 1:1, then you'd have to build a filter on each ID. This can be done…
  • @jlederer Yea, I can see how that would not be the best solution for that scenario. Could you do something where you say where name1 is in name2...but that again has it's own host of problems. Too bad you can't find a Legal Company Name and DBA Company Name list with maybe Tax IDs on it somewhere and nail this down a bit…
  • This may get tricky if you just need to have the thousand seperator in your text. But since the 10232 is a string (post concat) you could maybe do something like concat( (case when length(10232field) > 3 then substring(reverse(10232field),1,3),',',substring(reverse(10232),4,3) else 10232field end), , 'blah blah blah' ) I…
  • Good Question - I didn't know that even had a name...thank you @jlederer I have learned something new. Since I only have a hammer (soundex) I'm going to try to give you a nail. Since you are familiar with Soundex and have used it but are having problems with larger strings, have you tried to break up your strings to see if…
  • Use ticks not single quotes. ALTER TABLE `pos_left_by_week` ADD `date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
  • That I don't know. From my experience it has been similar to "new inbound email received" and then you set some action. I don't think you can get inside the email to pull data out of it. Have you reviewed the writeback connectors?…
  • Interesting question...I want to follow this. For an alert, I'd bet you'd have to somehow work in an email created in zapier...set that up to get the alert...then fire something off in zapier...but good question.
  • Options: 1. You could put that information in the labels for your card 2. You could put that information in the summary value for the card 3. You could create a text file that contains information like a data dictionary and have it on the same page/appendix and put a link to it from the card in the summary of the card.
  • So this solution here is going to be entirely keep that in mind. If internal, you could open chrome in a multiple tabs with the card you want on each tab. Then use revolver app in chrome store to flip between the different tabs (cards). For the log in issue, you may be able to use something like lastpass…
  • When are you getting that error? At the execution of the BM calc in the card or did you use it in a Filter? If a Filter, that would fail b/c it contains an aggreation. If just executing it, you may want to think about setting up the ETL/dataset so "most recent sign in" aka Max(last sign in) is its own field...b/c I…
  • Yea, you could either create a second dynamic text box with that info, but I think using the Rev/Growth as one box...and then under it, put in a horizontal bar chart with the revenue drivers sorted by total revenue and limit it to like 5...and then call the card Top 5 Revenue Drivers ...would be the way to go.
  • Hey @Domo_Dracarys you may have already knocked this out, but are you saying that the filter isn't being carried over in your drill down card?
  • Hey @AS I'm sure this may not help, but I was curious, are you sharing publications out w/ internal staff or external folks outside of Domo user base? I was thinking that you may could 'work around' this by just using the external people's email as social users...then schedule the page to be sent out to them. It wouldn't…
  • If I understand the question right...on a Single Bar graph, you can go into Chart Properties - General and set a 'maximum bar' count. So lets say instead of showing microscopic 500 limit it to 10, then sort by Revenue or some other value. In that same card you'd get a 'Other' bar as number 11. You could…
  • There isn't a good way in the card to do that. What I'd do is make sure you're using the Story Telling Dashboard feature...then edit your dashboard...and hide your card title completely. Then add in 'text box' above the card and put a new title there as just text and format from there. That is the best way I can think…
  • You may want to Ignore that last comment...I haven't had enough caffienee yet...I thought you said dataset not card. If you are just trying to have an idential card but the original is already filter...and the new one will take another filter but on a system may could just 'save as' on the original card...and on…
  • @user05966 I think this is what you'd need to do is create an ETL process. In one lane of your ETL you could just do the work you are doing now...maybe it is select all columns...or you have something else you've already created. But in the second lane, you'd use the 'Date Operations' and do some calc like -5 days from…
  • For the quick filter problem - is your date range in your card enough so that the 8 weeks will hit? Another issue that may play a role down the road...your 8 weeks line may need to include "`JobDeliveryDate` > CURDATE()+28 and `JobDeliveryDate` < CURDATE()+56" vs just "`JobDeliveryDate` < CURDATE()+56" because if you leave…
  • Then you could just leave out date and your fields be Promotion Campaign, and Sum(Profit) and/or Avg(Profit). You could put in a column for Max(date) and Min(date) so you know what range you're looking at. You can't export subtotals out of the card. If you're left to only seeing what you want in the total or…
  • I'm not sure you'd even need Beast Mode. If you say start with a Table card. Your columns would be Order Date, Promotion Campaign, and Sum(Profit) and/or Avg(Profit). By just removing the details of Order Number you'd get the proper aggregations you'd be looking for. Then if those numbers match to what you were looking for…