I was able to figure it out. It was because on the Segment I created I selected all of the sources; however, that prevents them from being dynamic. So, just had to make sure it looked like this.
Unfortunately, it doesn't which is the issue I'm running into. This is an example of how the data is being broken down. Here is a screenshot of the fields I'm using on the card and the chart type I'm using. No matter what sources I have selected and deselected the total segment line is staying constant of the overall…
Yes, I want the total segment to update based on when I filter the card to the particular source. So, for example if I have the source filtered to Amazon and Facebook - I would want the total line to only reflect Amazon and Facebook spend. Are you saying to use that formula as a beast mode and use that on the Y-axis?…
There was, so that worked perfectly! Thank you so much!
Update - I was able to figure it out using this formula: DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(Date, '/', -1), '%e-%b-%y'), '%b %e, %Y')
@MichelleH There is one more similar situation I'm having issues with that you might be able to help me on. I'm trying to change this "Date" field into a Date instead of Text. It's also having issues parsing. What's the best formula to fix that? I have attached a picture of how the Date string is.
That's what it was. Thank you for thinking of that! Only difference from your formula is I had to use REGEXP_REPLACE function instead of REGEX_REPLACE. Here was my final output: CAST(REGEXP_REPLACE(Ad fees,'[^0-9.]','') as DECIMAL()) Thanks again!
Thank you both! That was very helpful.