I spoke with Andrew Rich from sales, and they haven't implememnted a way to display how much data we are using, yet. Unsure when that will happen.
Why not use Magic ETL (AKA Dataflow) to remove duplicates? It's one of the ETL tools.
This seems to work as the find value in Workbench: ^.*[T-t]ext.*$ It finds and selects the entire string if the string has the phrase "text" or "Text" in it somewhere. ^.*text.*$ also works if you are sure your search word "text" is not capitalized. ^.*\n*.*text.*\n*.*$ Use this if you have line breaks in there anywhere…
Oh nevermind. Search for "WB4: "Input String not in correct format"?" if you want the answer. it has to do with Value calculations in WB, I think. I removed that transormation and it works fine.