I really don't wat to run my data through a flow just to be able extract the domain in a card.
No, that locate is not a function in beast mode and I cannot find a similar funtion
So, from the @Shevy solution I came up with this idea to solve my challenge. Since Magic ETL doesn’t have the concept of NOW(), I can create it with a MSSQL query dataset. SELECT GETDATE() AS CurrentDateTime, '1' AS 'CountofCurrentDateTime' CurrentDateTime CountofCurrentDateTime 1/26/2016 2:09 PM 1 This produces a one…
yes, thank you
Yes that worked if I scrolled to the top of the list. This is a very cumbersome and problematic solution since it has approximately 800 fields.
No it does not does not display it on the card view or the list view
I have a Mac with Chrome Version 47.0.2526.80 (64-bit) up to date I have the same issue with Safari. No place to drop the field
still not what we are looking for
Unfortunately, that does not work.
please vote for the Idea
A dataset has a Name "Prod Do Not Rent List Daily DataSet' that is set up in the ETL, then below it this information. "DataFlow 16,075 rows Last updated 3 hours ago". I would like to know which ETL 'Dataflow' created the DataSet. It will make backtracking errors or modification to the Dataflow without opening ever Dataflow…