LeeJo Member


  • @pshull , thanks! My data is highly sensitive and I always get nervous with external calls… at a glance, does look like any data passes out of domo? I'm a bit over my head going through the git info but can probably figure it out.
  • 100% agree. I'm completely ready to move to apps (Huge fan of the aesthetic controls), but this is causing a lot of hesitancy. If I do so now, I'll also need to add multiple links to various dashbaords/cards for users to export, instead of just doing it natively. Seems like a hassle.
  • @pshull , did you ever figure out a solution? I'm struggling with the same right now. I'd even be ok with an action that opens a traditional Dashboard form within the App, but those actions don't seem to work when embedding the App.
  • I appreciate that… I tried to do a workaround by adding a button with "Additional Details" below the card that has an action of "Open Card in a Pop-Up" and just having a new card with the details I want in the drilldown, but that seems to have a bug as well. The button won't open a card in popup when embedded in my app.
    in Drill in Place Comment by LeeJo May 14
  • @ColemenWilson , or anyone else with a thought on this… I'm able to set up the drill in place for the card, but when clicking the card it doesn't actually drill down… although it shows the back arrow and filter icon as if it is. Clicking the "expand" icon on the card to blow it up, and then selecting within it to drill…
    in Drill in Place Comment by LeeJo May 14
  • 100% agree. I'm completely ready to switch to domo app, but the inability to export standalone cards prevents it. I completely understand the hesitation/complication for the whole app, but on the card itself it seems straightforward enough.