KateVanBuskirk Member


  • This has been posted to the Ideas Exchange at https://dojo.domo.com/t5/Ideas-Exchange/Move-SELECTED-cards-to-a-new-dataset/idi-p/24604 to be able to move selected cards to a new dataset just as you select which cards are included in a presentation. 
  • In the meantime, (it may be a little late for you on this), I've made a Google spreadsheet shared within my organization with a column for creator, BM name, and the calculation so users can search for existing BMs as needed to copy and paste for edits or to ask questions or report issues.
  • This can be done; Domo support has something on the back end which will allow moving and duplication of collections and pages in a way that we do not have access to (had one duplicate one page to 5 with all collections and cards within them maintained so I could edit). 801-805-9505 is the support number (which typically…
  • Unfortunately this is not currently an available function. (This is a great idea, and you can share it as an idea here: https://dojo.domo.com/t5/Ideas-Exchange/idb-p/Ideas, you'll just want to verify there that it has not been submitted yet!) You have only the option to publish via the page itself. In Admin>Publications…