JordanJensen Domo Product Manager


  • @ColemenWilson I apologize for any confusion. The security concern was not related to being able to see everything as to your point, you can see that as an admin. It was the concern with you taking action as another user. We will need to ensure we engineer the ability to track when you took an action as a user you are…
  • Our initial investigations on impersonating a user generated a few feasibility questions related to security risks from allowing someone to impersonate someone else and possibly take actions as a proxy. Impersonating a user bypasses the access controls and policies applied to the user who is impersonating and we need…
  • We absolutely hear this signal on MySQL 5.6. Here are a few thoughts on how we see things: The expressive power of SQL is great. We know some of you (or others in your org) prefer SQL to MagicETL tiles. (Often we do, too!) We don’t see the two as direct competitors, but rather as different tools for different people or use…