Jarvis Contributor


  • Hi Njt, I've seen this before when files have been corrupted or permissions are causing problems. Is it just workbench that is having issues connecting to the information? One thing that may resolve this is to run the "chkdsk" command on the location that is reporting the error. Before doing this I would check with your…
  • Hi Doug, When I've connected I used this document; https://knowledge.domo.com/Connect/Connecting_to_Data_with_Connectors/Configuring_Each_Connector/Connectors_for_Content_Management/Microsoft_SharePoint_ADFS_Connector I have found that sometimes the credentials ( there are many more than many other connectors) get…
  • Hello Philippe, if you are using the Google Drive Service connector as discussed in the linked document there are no known API limits that should be causing this issue.…
  • Hi, Here is information you may already have seen that relates to using page filters; https://dojo.domo.com/t5/Card-Building/Page-Filtering-not-Retained-when-Viewing-Storyboard-Page-as-a/td-p/46117 When applying page filters unless applied while editing a page and then saved, they are refreshed when the page is refreshed…
  • It's probably possible with the Magic ETL, however, I'm more accustomed to the SQL transform. If you did this SQL transform, you could limit your data to only the last 5 months. SELECT * FROM table WHERE `datefield` >= DATE_SUB(DATE_FORMAT(`datefield`, '%Y-%m-01'), INTERVAL 1 MONTH) AND `datefield` <=…
  • Hello Eric I would begin with this document https://knowledge.domo.com/Optimize/Filtering_Data/02Applying_Page-Level_Filters and then if this is still an issue reach out to support directly. Jarvis
  • I'm not seeing any supporting documentation for that feature in Domo.
  • What are your exact steps to get this error? Make sure you're on the latest version of R?
  • Hello, Everything we know about pivot tables is discussed in this document; https://knowledge.domo.com/Visualize/Adding_Cards_to_Domo/KPI_Cards/Building_Each_Chart_Type/Pivot_Table_-_BETA I suggest you try changing the order of the columns, in the columns section while in the cards analyzer. Jarvis
  • Hi, As you make changes to your dataflows and SQL queries they are versioned within Domo and you can revert back to previous versions. This link shows you information on this issue. https://knowledge.domo.com/Prepare/DataFlow_Management/03Viewing_the_Version_History_for_a_DataFlow However, we do not have an export…
  • Hello, I'm sorry you have not had the support you need, I always begin with this document https://knowledge.domo.com/Connect/Connecting_to_Data_with_Connectors/Configuring_Each_Connector/Connectors_for_Human_Resources_(HR)/ADP_Connector And then contact support. If you're not getting what you need then reach out to your…
  • Hi, I believe you have created a new dataset with the same name and there may be differences in the schema, and BeastModes may not transfer if used. You should be able to upload and then replace or append the existing dataset and not have to change the dataset within the card. If you have support included within your…
  • Hi, When I'm working and struggling to format dates this is my go-to document; https://knowledge.domo.com/Visualize/Adding_Cards_to_Domo/KPI_Cards/Transforming_Data_Using_Beast_Mode/03Date_Format_Specifier_Characters_in_Beast_Mode Let me know if this helps you, Jarvis
  • Hello Mark, That information is included to ensure that if two versions of the report are sent out one with and one without the filters it can quickly be understood why there is a difference in the data shown and help ensure decisions made are aware of the information filtered on etc. However, I can understand why you may…
  • Hi, There are no specific limits Domo are listing in the documentation here; https://knowledge.domo.com/Connect/Connecting_to_Data_with_Connectors/Configuring_Each_Connector/Database_Connectors/Amazon_Redshift_Upsert_Connector However, Amazon does list many limits in this documentation;…
  • Hello, You are correct, there should only be one option. If this continues it would be advisable to open a support case so this can be looked at deeper and bugged if required. Jarvis
  • Hi Roberto. It sounds like you are almost there. My understanding is that you have built the flow already but I am not sure if you have built a card and tested the result. Can you confirm? If you have and you are having this issue then I would reach out directly to Support and ask for them to review this dataflow and offer…
  • Hello Chris, I believe this documentation will help answer your question; https://knowledge.domo.com/Connect/Connecting_to_Data_with_Connectors/Configuring_Each_Connector/Connectors_for_Content_Management/Microsoft_SharePoint_Connector Jarvis
  • Hello, I'm not aware of any specific plans. This is something I would recommend you discuss directly with support or your CSM. There may be another option that can be used like WorkBench 5 that will help satisfy the requirements of your customers. If once you have had your conversation with Support or your CSM, you may…
  • Hey there, It sounds like you're looking for an enhancement to the existing connector. In my experience, I've had the best success just reaching out to my CSM to see what is possible. They're probably your best bet.
  • Hello Nek, If you have live support included in your package I would reach out to support directly. If a member of the support team can visually see your data and how it's working they may be able to offer you the answers you are looking for. Jarvis
  • Hi Khan, The information in this link should help you do exactly this; https://knowledge.domo.com/Optimize/Notifications_and_Alerts/03Creating_a_Custom_Alert_for_a_KPI_Card Jarvis
  • Hi There, If it is shown in the API but not available in the connector you should submit an enhancement request through the product feedback channel; https://knowledge.domo.com/Welcome/Getting_Started/Submitting_Domo_Product_Feedback Jarvis.
  • Hi There, Assuming you are using google chrome lets gather some more information on the error. Get back to the point you took the screenshot at and then Right-click and select inspect. This will open up some tools. We then want you to select "Network" across the top of the window that just opened. and then refresh your…
  • Hi, There are a lot of options within Domo and depending on how you want to present the data it may affect the way you approach this. My suggestion would be to reach out to your Customer Success Manager and discuss the options in detail. Jarvis
  • Hi, The available table chart types are listed here; https://knowledge.domo.com/Welcome/Available_Chart_Types/10Available_Table-Type_Charts The formatting you are looking for does not appear to be an option. Therefore you may wish to submit product feedback by following these…
  • Hello Mark, You should be able to use color rules to do this. here is some information about this feature; https://knowledge.domo.com/Visualize/Adding_Cards_to_Domo/KPI_Cards/KPI_Card_Building_Part_2%3A_The_Analyzer/Setting_Color_Rules_for_a_Chart Jarvis
  • Hi, I would download a CSV report of the period you are looking at within GA and then compare this information with the same period within Domo. Maybe even upload that CSV to process within Domo. Depending upon what you find you may then want to open a support ticket direct with support and ask for further assistance.…
  • Hi there, Assuming your Batch Id is a numeric value you could use a beast mode that might look like MAX(`Batch ID`) Change 'Batch ID' for the name of your actual column And then in your card place that beast mode you've created as a filter. There is a list of supported beast modes and their functions here.…
  • Hello John, There is always the option to put into an ETL or similar transform, a function that catches known issues where there are rogue data entries and changes it to be their correct values. However this is a bandaid, and best practice is to work with the administrators of the systems generating this bad data. This…