Thank you @GrantSmith I will try this.
I have show Filter but not enable one, is it the same? When I embed the card itself , it shows the date filter but when I do it with the full Dashboard it takes it away.
I will try this and see if it's work. Thank you!
How to get a last day of the next month?
Thank you!
Sorry, I'm working on too many things altogether and the thought process is scrambled. It's the Ratio Trend up that I'm trying to show on card, the Beast mode for that is CASE WHEN `Ratio % Last Month` > `Ratio % Month Prior` AND `Ratio % Month Prior` > `Ratio % 2 Month Prior` THEN 1 END and this should be the result. I…
I do have a Date field, as not every products sells every day so the row # will be different. I'm don't think I understand the though process here with Rank.
Thank you!
I was trying not to do in ETL but in beast mode. Seems like that would be the way to go, thanks.
@GrantSmith I knew that but I was hoping there was another way to work around it. Thank you.
Thanks @MichelleH, I did try that before but the result is the same.
Thanks @MarkSnodgrass , Looking forward to meet you all in March. Hope you are coming :)
I was sorting it by hour and if you don't then that's how it's appear.
@MarkSnodgrass there are gaps in month for few customer, the data dimension dataset you are refereeing to is the same things Grant is explaining?
@jaeW_at_Onyx I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. If you look at the picture on Oct 5th where it says 'Y' it shows the next 2 dates Sept 29th & Sept 28th but both of those have 'N'.
No, there is no filters. I just use a Gauges and made it work.
No display no result :(
That I have already done @GrantSmith , the questions I have is there a way to display that 1% as documentation not completed?
I'm so new to this and having a hard time with lag() & lead(). Yes you have assumed it right "I assume you'd only want to show rows if there were 3 consecutive days of xyz status." This is really helpful and helps me understand what exactly needs to be done, I will play around with this. Thank you!
thank you it worked :)
Grant, our Data is very complicated at the moment there are a lot of manual date entries. Date Assigned is when we assigned that case to someone to start the application so Date assigned first is right. <15 days has all the correct data but it not creating the aging bucket < 15 and 15-30.
thank you, Grant & Mark. This really solve the problem :)
is there a way to make the negative numbers into positive? As this solve the problem with time but then when you sum it's not the right number.
Thank you Grant, this has solved the problem but not sure why it's counting the time more than 10 mints :( it's only few rows and doesn't effect the # that much but still...
It will still not solve the problem as the Response time should be negative and not positive. like the first one -8 mints
Thanks, but this is giving me no results also I need to include those rows.