i was able to fix the issue and now i am updating the old process with the new feed thank you
try this calculation STR_TO_DATE(simple_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d')
my reports are running and net sales = subtotal_price gross sales = total_price I was able to join an old DB with Shopify orders and now DOMO have a card that looks the same as Shopify dashboard
i am having 2 issues is taking over 1 hour to complete a single Run every run collects the data until the last completed day at 19:59 EST does anyone know if there a way to collect current data from the current day?
try this one, works for me
i could not find any dataset related to traffic, anyone can confirm if that data is available?
hi, i am not sure what i am missing but This calculation is using a nonexistent function
Final version, Working
now, put all the totals together in a friendly way
it works, LY is working the way I need it the calculations are: Previous Day (LY) SUM(CASE WHEN DATE(Simple_Date) = DATE_SUB(DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY), INTERVAL 1 YEAR) THEN TotalRevenue END) WTD (LY) SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(Simple_Date) = YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) - 1 AND WEEK(Simple_Date) =…
thank you for sharing, I was able to move a little forward but not to the end yet, hopefully, someone will be able to push me a little bit further, checking the Last Year part I was able to get 1 Complete Current Week (LY) case when YEAR(Simple_Date) =YEAR(CURDATE()) -1 and WEEK(Simple_Date) = WEEK(CURDATE()) then…
just a follow-up, i could not find the the Up vote section if there any solution to get the last 7 REAL days?
Looking for the same
can anyone confirm if traffic data is available from Shopify datasets?
Looking for the same, can anyone point me in the right direction regarding how to set Shopify Connector DataSet i can not find best practices or suggestions
Happy to help 2 Current Month min( case when month(startDate) = month(CURRENT_DATE()) then concat(year(startDate),'-',month(startDate)) end ) 3 MTD Units CASE WHEN MONTH(startDate)=MONTH(CURDATE()) and YEAR(startDate)=YEAR(CURDATE()) THEN shippedUnits END 4 % Diff (Over Prior Month) ((SUM( case when month(startDate) =…
thank you, it works WEEK(timestamp,1) move the beginning of the week from Sunday to Monday
following i was able to fix it (NULLIF(TRIM(Column_name), '')) * 1
thank you everyone I was able to adapt the suggestion and is working now I can see if a product shows a big jump in shipped units from one completed month to another
Great video, thank you, The playlist is one of the best, Thank you can you show how to limit the last YTD to show the same number of dates as the YTD, for example YTD shows data until today (9/8/2023) last YTD should show data until the same day the previous year (9/8/2022) thank you
the replies are helpful, but is there a location to see examples or use cases to use as references?
hi, do you mind explaining this step more, I cannot find where to paste the code. Thank you
hi, i am stuck in this step too, where should I paste the code?
hi, i am stuck in this step too, where should I paste the code?
hi, do you mind explaining this step more, I cannot find where to paste the code. Thank you
following, looking forward to use forecasting
also looking for more details related to how to use the Facebook Ads Connector
using Amazon SP-API i am able to pull daily data from 3 years, works perfectly