Cfunk Member


  • Sorry, I tried to mask the data a little at first, but I did update your formula with the correct fields. I tweaked the formula a bit and I got the result I expected: IFNULL(COUNT(CASE WHEN Product Name = 'Washington Summit - Guest/Spouse Registration' THEN Registration ID END),0) + IFNULL(COUNT(distinct Registration…
  • Hi, Thank you for your help!!!! It didn't quite give me what I would expect but maybe I didn't explain it well. So what I would expect here is that the total registration would be 191. So, several of the product names will all be attached to one registration ID and one attendee. However, the guest adds a second attendee…
  • Thank you so much!!
  • I got this error when I tried it like this. I don't think I can use unpivot. I had to pivot and add the constant that I needed to get to this point. Thanks for your help!!!
  • Another question @grantsmith. How do I nest it with multiple years? I tried using: CASE WHEN `2015`=1 THEN CONCAT('2015-' `Virtual vs In-Person`) ELSE '' END CASE WHEN `2016`=1 THEN CONCAT('2016-' `Virtual vs In-Person`) ELSE '' END CASE WHEN `2017`=1 THEN CONCAT('2017-' `Virtual vs In-Person`) ELSE '' END CASE WHEN…
  • Thank you so much! I don't know why I thought I needed the Concat to envelop the whole thing. :)