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  • @MarkSnodgrass After trying to do it a slightly different way, and then coming back to your way it looks like neither is working 100%. The method you posted works for most cases, but starts to break down if you count by ones. If you look in the attached dataset it works up until you get to days past @189. The next time the…
  • @MarkSnodgrass Just wanted to check back in to say thanks for giving me a boost. The backend data changed a bit since I posed this, and it was with ascending dates instead of descending, so I wasn't just able to plug in what you sent, and didn't quite follow, BUT! the running total/grouping by 30 day did give me an idea to…
  • @MarkSnodgrass oooooh! Thank you. I thought I needed to paste it into something in order to get it to work. Again, I appreciate your help thus far, I will post back up if after I tinker around with this, hopefully getting it to work, or if I run into any issues.
  • @MarkSnodgrass Thank you for your efforts. I do have SQL experience, but my Domo/ETL knowledge is limited. When you say "If you copy this into a blank Magic ETL" I am not sure where I should be pasting your code.
  • Unfortunately given the way this dashboard is designed I am unable to resize the card. I would never have thought that this could be classified as a bug though.
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