BruceP Member


  • For me the preview and the output are the same.
  • Does anyone have a suggestion about resolving this issue? I'd like to schedule the job to run automatically, but cannot as long as manual intervention is required. Thanks in advance for your attention.
  • Here is a screenshot of the Trigger settings. ghzh_issue and ghzh_batchid are updated by a python script, then the dataflow is started to append the data in ghzh_issue to ghzh_issue_history. The update to ghzh_batchid is the last step in the python script.
  • Thanks for the link to the spec for data import. Since I posted the question, the problem has gone away, and the data that was being imported has been overwritten. The spec will be useful if the problem resurfaces. This still leaves the question of how to access errors for pydomo calls. BruceP
  • Finally getting back to this; apologies for the delay. Attached is an xls export of the dataset created by using the github connector to access issues for the repo ZenhubIO/support.
  • Apologies for the create/replace confusion. The error happens on replace_ds. Here is a revised example. Create works but replace_ds gives the error. library(pryr) library(DomoR) library(devtools) init('openstax-org','46787f87c4a9c0e7b53dbfb309fa2b777f3d33cb21731550') a <- c(2,3,4) b <- c(1,2,3) df <- data.frame(a, b)…