BlueRooster Domo Employee


  • In regards to the direct card link, you should be able to navigate to it and then remove the page/'page-id' portion of the url. Example: becomes If you're looking to just isolate the card without the rest of the UI, the only…
  • Would it be possible for you to provide a generic example of how the dataset is formatted behind the card? 
  • @user056243 It looks like your syntax may be a bit off. See if this does what you're looking for: CASE WHEN `Case Owner Manager` IN ('a', 'b,'c') THEN 'Tier 1' WHEN `Case Owner Manager` IN ('d','e','f','g') Then 'Tier 2' WHEN `Case Owner Manager` IN ('h', 'i') Then 'Strategic' ELSE 'Others' END Sincerely, Valiant
  • You might be able to do something like this: SUM( CASE WHEN `countrycolumn` IN ('Japan','Taiwan') THEN `Sales Amount` END) / SUM( `Sales Amount`) You should be able to limit the the sales of only Japan and Taiwan in the numerator and then sum everything (since your dataset is 'Asian countries') in the denominator. Let me…
  • For your hover text you'll want to use the following: If you want the $ before the numbers, make sure to set the value you're using on your Y Axis to be formatted as currency. As for your Weeks. It would depend on what the raw data looks like, but you could do something like this:…
  • Currently the only card type that I'm aware of that allows user to change the compartive time frames is the ones in the Period over Period chart type.When setting up something like a Variance Line Bar, you can choose a default of say, This Month vs 1 Month ago. And the user would then able to change this if they wanted.…
  • In my experience, anytime I'm doing something with large datasets or process intensive transformations I'll try to do it in the ETL module. ETLs normally run faster than SQL transforms. But there are some things that become cumbersome to 'code' in an ETL transform and then I'll just write what I need in SQL. But if…
  • When in the analyzer, click and drag in the chart body itself horizontally to create a 'window' of the data. I believe that's what you're looking to do.
  • Add background images to a page is currently still in Beta. I'm hoping we get to see this released soon though.
  • I just confirmed with our CSM that this option is still in Beta and slated for release in a few months. If you're in the Domo Beta program, may be worth seeing if you can get it turned on in your instance. Sincerely, Valiant
  • The chart type you are looking for is Filters -> Slicer. Hopefully that is what you're looking for.
  • In order to add more data, you'll need to update the corresponding dataset for the card. Here's a link on how to do that: Updating Datasets Best of luck, Valiant
  • So your duplicates are going to be caused by the joins you setup. Basically if you have the same value repeated more than once in a column you are joining on, you'll end up with duplicates. You'll need to have a unique column of data to join on. Here's a better explanation of what's going on: Joins and Duplicates Your…
  • So let's say the date column of your date is just called `Date`. In that scenario you can build a beast mode that says: CASE WHEN `Date` >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 10 DAY) AND `Date` <= DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 5 DAY) THEN 'Include' ELSE 'Exclude' END Then add that to your filters section of your card…
  • The only way I can think to do this at the page level would be to use the Date Filter card type and have the user drag a date range over the 15 days in question. I don't believe there is a way to pass a user selection on a filter into a beast mode. Sincerely, Valiant **Please mark "Accept as Solution" if this post solves…
  • To this via a SQL transform: 1st determine what you are going to order your card by to get the row number (rank). I'll use 'Volume' for my example. You can do the following to your current dataset to add a row number (rank) column. Select a.* ,@rank:= @rank + 1 AS `Rank` FROM `dataset` AS a, (SELECT @rank:=0) b ORDER BY…
  • I haven't been able to find a way to accomplish this in my own testing, but would love this option. If no else knows how to do this, it would be a great topic for the Ideas Exchange. Sincerely, Valiant
  • In order to do currency conversions you would need to first add the conversion data to your Domo instance. There is a free connector called Open Exchange Rates that you can use. When setting it up it as asks what your base currency is. The dataset it then gives you is what you can then use in ETL or SQL transforms to…
  • Give this a a shot: (COUNT(`Works Sent`)-COUNT(`Works Registered`)) / COUNT(`Works Sent`) Then it's just down to formatting the new beast mode to be a Percentage. Let me know if that wasn't what you were looking for, Valiant **Please mark "Accept as Solution" if this post solves your problem **Say "Thanks" by clicking the…
  • Change anything you're actually referencing as a string instead of a column to use apostrophes instead of the back ticks (assuming the SVC reference is a string as well) like this: CASE WHEN `CaseCreatedBy` LIKE '%# Svc-ShipwiretoIM360integration%' THEN 'true' Else 'false' END Hope that helps, Valiant 
  • Here you go: First Name: LEFT(`name`, (INSTR(`name`, ' ')-1)) Last Name: RIGHT(`name`, LENGTH(`name`)-INSTR(`name`, ' ')) Hope that helps, Valiant **Please mark "Accept as Solution" if this post solves your problem **Say "Thanks" by clicking the "heart" in the post that helped you.
  • The only way I know to achieve something like that would be go about building out a custom app. You can use the Design Studio option (as long as you have Adobe Illustrator) and should be able to accomplish what you're talking about without too much difficulty. Hope…
  • A couple of ways to go about this. 1) Build out the running total sums in an ETL and then use the period over period card. 2) Use the running total line card Set your X axis to something like (Just change it to whatever timespan you want to look at) CONCAT(MONTHNAME(`Date`),' Week ',WEEK(`Date`)) Set your value as the Y…
  • Definitely odd. Perhaps there are phantom characters? Try this: CASE when `Link Agency ID` LIKE '%BKR%' then '' else `Link Agency ID` END Otherwise, I might try that beast mode on a clean card, make sure there isnt' a weird browser issue.
  • What card type are you using? Can you provide more detail around the error/result you are seeing?
  • Here you go: CASE WHEN `Link Agency ID` <> 'BKR' THEN `Link Agency ID` END By omitting the ELSE, anything that doesn't match (not equal to BKR, so BKR) will get assigned a NULL value. Let me know if that wasn't what you were looking for. Sincerely, Valiant **Please mark "Accept as Solution" if this post solves your problem…
  • As far as I know, there isn't a way to lock down page navigation for individual users. To be certain, you would need to run that past your account manager and have them confirm with the development team.
  • So under the Line chart type there is a 'Running Total Line'. Set that card up using your date column and value. Now at the top right of the chart window, set the timeframe to 'This Year'. That will allow the running total line to continue to progress for the current year and then beginning next year it will reset. Hope…
  • Matt, For our organization we have tied pages with relevant content the users AD Groups (we use SSO), so that each user sees the pages/cards needed for their position (determined by AD group). This way if someone is promoted or changes jobs within the company, as soon as the AD group is updated, their Domo access reflects…
  • Here's a modified version of one I'm using now. Hopefully this helps: CONCAT('<a href=''[' ,'{"column":"Marketing Parent Name","dataSourceId":"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx","dataType":"string","operand":"IN","values":["' ,`Marketing Parent Name` ,'"]}]'…