Sharing updated version of the one pager including some of the Alpha and Sneaks we shared on the big stage.
@ArborRose sorry, I scanned too quickly there. In addition to the SQL tile in magic, there is also a SQL based join option that I think would help you achieve this in magic. We had it in beta but the UX was confusing so just finishing up some changes to that now. I think in general these two features would let you get to…
@ArborRose are you using the SQL tile in Magic? I believe if you use the WITH you can essentially create these temporary tables in one magic SQL tile. Still in beta I know.
We did release additional font options in cards/analyzer under families. See attachment. App Studio also allows for changing font styles across the entire app you are building (under themes Edit styles and second screen shot). One of the reasons we do not allow an endless array of fonts is that many fonts will not work…
I merged two threads around release notes and silent releases. I think many have heard me speak passionately about the need for continued transparency around releases for customers and also internally for our support teams on the front line. We have created new reporting for our support teams to have more visibility to our…
@ColinHaze we are working on that final mile of distribution. A lot of the bones are done but still some final elements to sort out.
it was one of the trade offs we made to get the SQL view working. That once you went off the GUI it would stay sql. Interesting idea about restricting users. I get the challenge you see. @Matt Tannyhill may be interesting to explore.
@kplunkett13 Was just delayed a smidge from the DP release as there were some issues with handling variables. App studio support in Sandbox and Publish should be here shortly. Waiting on an exact date. but no longer then next month or so I would imagine.
@ArborRose The options @Ashleigh posted above are available now in the Standard Table (which is the same as a mega table). They are under the General section. Which maybe we should pop out as its own section. I realize this is still low code (Vs. the full precision you might get using code in a Domo brick which you brought…
@Nihar_Namjoshi_ex_Domo Forgot to update this one. We do have Cloud Amplifier and Sandbox turned on for Domo Free instances. Working on some final items for Governance Toolkit, Write Back Connectors and AutoML.
@MarkSnodgrass I am in the same boat. I usaully do a new incognito window. We can look into it but may be nature of some of the use of cookies. We are looking at adding a Switch Instance option to the navigation we are working on (like we have in Mobile app) so that might make this all a bit easier too.
@DavidChurchman sorry I missed this. We will be sending an email today with more details and links to help files. The Magic graph view is pretty awesome. When you click on the history log for a magic run (successful or more helpful if error) then you can click through the steps and then see where in your magic job that…
Many people may know that we hosted a case competition recently (finalists coming to Utah next week). As part of that process, I helped our education team put together a cheat sheet for the teams. sort of a quick dump of what I might want to know if I was getting started in Domo for the first time. Posting here in case…
We explicitly added the ability to change the Domostats to less frequent than daily (used to be the only option) as we started rolling out consumption. If you feel like you only get value looking at it once a month or as needed manually, you now have that control.
@kensie_rowell I like the idea of tracking user and adding comments. But there is currently pretty extensive change long available (just hard to find and no user recorded or shown). If you click on the round arrow clock in top right of the edit screen you have details of what has changed. see attachments
@renee12345 this is actually a great use case for Partitioning in Magic. We current have it in beta. If you would be open to being part of the test. Contact your CSM and we can help.
@a10hall this always annoyed me as well. We just added a tool to the Governance Toolkit that gives you more flexibility to trigger reports. But easier than campaigns as you can use the existing age as is . There is a cost for Governance Toolkit though
Have you tried one of the DDX brick starters. Search in App Store. You probably can more explicitly control the contrast in a DDX brick code
@WorldWarHulk I have done this with similar data from Safegraph. You should be able to do this in a Magic ETL. First step is to use the Unpivot command. To get the data to be something like thins: Start Week, End Week, Dayof Week, Value With Day of Week being the column name Sunday to Saturday. Then you can do a formula to…
@EmmaH wouldn't you need some relationship between the 2 datasets to combine them? I often use Magic to stack similar but different datasets together. That could be a good option here as well.
@WorldWarHulk it would depend on your data. but I bet you can link back to the original data.
@WorldWarHulk have you thought about creating a separate dataset with your date logic and then joining that back to the main table in a view. That is usually how I might approach it. I can provide an example if helpful.
We are working on an approach in product to swap variables in this manner. Not positive in timing. But stacking is a good option for now. You could probably do this virtually with dataset views as well if you did not want an extra ETL step.