Ainash Member


  • @GrantSmith thank you! I'll take a look on that!
  • @amehdad maybe I should do that! I reached Spotify Ads customer service and they could not give me any answer, except downloading it manually. They are still working on API...
  • Decided to share my way to choose this problem here. If somebody will have a problem with pulling data from Google Ads Youtube. I ended up writing a script in Google Ads that pushes data to the GoogleSheets and connected that sheet to DOMO. Here is my script: var TIME_PERIOD = "LAST_30_DAYS" // THIS_MONTH, LAST_MONTH,…
  • @GrantSmith I wish I knew how to do that😁 but let me try the google ads script first, if that's not going to work, then I'll go with Python route. I tried to set up Pydomo on my computer, but I had some issues, but didn't have a chance to dig into the problem yet. Thanks!
  • @amehdad yes, thank you! I was thinking for my next step to export google ads data to google sheets using scripting. Just thought, maybe there is a way how to solve the button problem in Email Connector.
  • @GrantSmith I am able to run another codes, like first transformation that was in instruction. Then i re-wrote Null's. But when I press "Run SQL" with step 9 code, it starts running and in couple minutes it gives this error 'Whoops! Something went wrong!'. I tried to re-run it by double clicking again and it says 'final'…
  • I wish they had more explanation of an error, not just 'Whoops! Something went wrong!' @GrantSmith
  • yes, I saw that answer. No, it has 17 columns and I am trying re-write one column named 'Notes'