user02674 Member


  • Thanks for the input. This is a great workaround. Ideal scenario would be to still allow for all values to show up as the desired label setting, but this does effectively prevent certain values that we don't want shared with end users from showing in the card. Thanks, Adam
  • Hey Scott, I don't have a ton of experience using SQL to do aggregations. My main question is when I do it should I be setting a where statement to limit the number of days being aggregated? I tried to run SQL statement without it, but it ran for 5 hours before I killed it. Any thoughts or examples? Thanks, Adam
  • Hi, I agree that it must be some sort of bug with the line + stacked bar visual type. I tried to change it over to the group bar, but it does not get me the same result that I need. I have two series that make up the stacked bar and if I change to a grouped bar the visual shows a grouped bar instead of stacked. I also…
  • It is a very curious issue that continues to plague us to some extent. What ends up happening is the card won't save with certain things in quick filters. However, after trying to save multiple times and sometimes bringing in individual quick filters and saving one at a time it works. I have been able to get them all to…
  • Thanks for the insight. I looked into this and it appears the dataset used in the drill path is the same as on the main card and it is a dataset I have access to. A few other notes that may be helpful. - I noticed that while I may not be able to see the current drill path I do have the access to add a view. - When I save…