timehat Contributor


  • Check out this "SQL EDITOR" option in Views Explorer: Which enables this: View queries are evaluated for each query against the view. If the underlying dataset is large and/or you have a lot of queries, "materializing" the results of the query using a DataFlow may be desirable. If you prefer to use SQL in a DataFlow, you…
  • An option that may become available in the future would be to transform a list like this to JSON and use JSON functionality to expand that list as you see fit. For a comma-separated list like this, you'd have to probably do the following: 1) Replace any double quotes with a backslash-double-quote 2) Replace commas with…
  • Here's the latest update: As you may know, X (formerly Twitter) announced that it would start tiering its API services, resulting in changes to cost and access to API endpoints. Domo has attempted to work with X through established channels to on-board to the appropriate tier that would support Domo’s customers’…
  • Great feedback. I'll make sure there's some visibility for this on the team. Thanks! As a quick workaround, if you select multiple tiles (perhaps zoom out the tile canvas all the way to easily select all tiles), you'll get an option on the left to "Copy to Clipboard". You can paste this into a text editor and do a search…
  • Multiple scripting actions today run sequentially (first tile ready to start once all upstream data has buffered will run, any other scripting tiles on parallel paths will wait for a running tile (or one further up in the queue) to finish before they get their turn. This is to ensure a more consistent set of execution…
  • There is a status update at
  • Hi, have you tried clicking on the row in the DataFlow details history page to see the detailed information for a failed execution? For scripting tiles, there should be a link there to see the stdout and stderr streams from the Python or R script. Other errors in standard Domo tiles should also be visible. If there are…
  • Hi, this is on the team’s radar for future improvements. In the meantime, you can produce multiple data frames in a single tile and save off second, third, etc. data frames to disk and use subsequent tiles to read those and output them to new branches in the ETL. This workaround is enabled by the recently added project and…
  • Is this within the Python tile in MagicETL or when using Jupyter? (Or some other python integration?)
  • Thanks for the feedback. We’re hoping to start a beta of a SQL tile in MagicETL later this year. An additional feature we’re working on will allow opening a MySQL or Redshift DataFlow in the MagicETL editor. The existing SQL will be parsed to wire up the tiles to their dependencies/etc. We hope this will go a long ways…
  • Hi, Kristine! With Alter Columns, any unreferenced column passes through the tile untouched. Can you clarify what you are wanting to do with “Add All”? Do you need to change data types for all columns or some other bulk column operation?
  • Also, in the context of MagicETL, sort will be an option in the upcoming SQL tile. Of note, however: MagicETL does as much streaming of rows from one tile to another as possible. This will remain the case with the SQL tile within MagicETL. It essentially will "compile down" to the underlying engine actions that we support.…
  • When sort order is important for cards or viewing the "Data" tab, I recommend using either the sort option within Analyzer or creating a View to add the sort. As mentioned, some DataFlow engines provide sort functionality, but as the engine powering your DataFlow is not the same engine used to power cards/data queries,…
  • Just want to add a comment to confirm that the team that owns this feature is aware of this pain point. I can't speak to timeline or anything, but I know it's helpful to know that the issue is well understood and on the radar.
  • Column widths are going to be based on either the data type (LONG vs DATETIME vs etc.) or, for text columns, the width of the longest string found in the column across all rows. So though an individual row may be less than 8126, if you had two rows at 5000 each where 4999 was column A and 1 for column B for the first row…
  • Check your join column for empty strings. In the case where you have empty strings in both left and right datsets, each row in the left will join with each row on the right, multiplying your row counts.