jmo Contributor


  • @user02371 It sounds like you may not have loaded the library so R doesn't know where to look for it. You could either load the library by adding library(DomoR) somewhere before the call or do as @ST_-Superman-_ suggested and run it as follows. DomoR::create(X, "Sales Forecast : XYZ", " Description") If you have tried both…
  • Cool, I just sent you my contact info. Talk to you soon!!
    in EmployeeID Comment by jmo March 2016
  • You shouldn't need one publication group for every employee. You would need one publication group for each group of employees. I have a page I share internally with our sales people and a few other groups. You need to have a column of data that holds the users email address. The email address will be case sensitive when…
    in EmployeeID Comment by jmo March 2016
  • @ej_jodi_k Could you be more specific? What kind of logic do you want to add? Conditions for all filters must be met for a row of data to be considered for your card. In other words, whenever multiple filters are applied they are applied with the "and" opporator by default. Any "or" logic must be handled using Beast Mode.
  • It sounds like you may not have saved those Beast Modes to the datasource. You can see that check box underneath the function description window below. Also, as @Anthony_G mentioned, there is no longer a list of Beast Modes in the editor. You can look them up in the list of fields. All Beast Mode calcs have an equal sign…
  • @Jacob This should work out of the box. What chart type are you using? On the line and bar charts there is a feature called "Time Scale" which makes sure that zeros are populated whenever data is missing for dates. There is a chart option under the x-axis that allows you to turn the feature off (it is on by default). There…
  • I think the first step would be to verify that you have duplicates across dates (it's just a hunch until that is confirmed). Assuming that is true, you won't be able to get the summary number to match exactly using a count distinct function. You may have to run a data flow to correctly account for the fact that you are…
  • Yes, except that the query powering the card is grouping on the date. That means it will count the distinct users w/in each date. The summary number isn't grouping at all so it will count distinct across the entire set of customers.
  • It's likely that you have at least one `Customer` that is repeated across the time periods. I'll use the following as an example. If you're using a running total, this data would result in 4 for 6/21 and 8 for 6/22. However, the summary number will show 7 b/c customer 5 is repeated.
  • You have a few syntax errors in the example below. The biggest issue is that you don't need to repeat the "case" portion of the case statement. It should look like this: CASE WHEN `Car` = 'Red' THEN 1 WHEN `Car` = 'Green' THEN 2 WHEN `Car` = 'Blue' THEN 3 ELSE 4 END I made a few other changes. You needed to have quotes…
  • It sounds like your data set shows you how many tickets were opened in a time period and how many were closed in a time period. It does not show you how many were in an open state during any given time period. To show how many were in an open state you'll need tickets to show up multiple times. Each ticket needs to show up…
  • The Last Value Projection can't be used in a Beast Mode or in the summary number. It is possible to calculate regression models in a DataFlow, however. You could get a percent progress using that method.
    in Question Comment by jmo June 2015
  • You need to make sure you have all of the data necesary to analyze customer status over time. You'll have to make sure to have one row for each customer and calendar month. For each combination, you need to record their activation date, current customer status and any other dimensions you want. That means you'll need to…
  • The "Last Value Projection" feature only covers the current period. The current period is defined using the time-grain selector at the top of the card. You can get a forecast out for this month or this quarter but you cannot get one for next month or next quarter (even though next month is often part of this quarter).
  • There are a few options that I have used in the past. I'll outline them below. The main strategy is to shift the date in each row of your data backwards (or forwards) and then extract the portion you want. SUBDATE(`Date`,WEEKDAY(`Date`)-1) This is the simplest version and returns the full date of the date's Sunday. This…
  • @Shevy, Good question. The short answer is that you cannot do this calculation with Beast Mode. Think of the card builder as a point and click SQL query designer. The SQL query you are designing does not allow for joins or subqueries and in many cases has an implied GROUP BY statement (depending on the rest of the settings…
  • You should always use a Beast Mode to calculate ratios. When you upload a ratio into a data source and then take an average you are weighting each individual ratio equally and this is almost never what you want to do. The correct Beast Mode logic for a retention rate would be as follows. sum(`Customers Renewing`) /…