DavidChurchman Coach


  • I would agree this would be better to with Magic ETL, and give you more options for bringing in additional "other loan" columns. That said, here's a possible BeastMode approach that addresses this specific scenario: RESULT: CONCAT NUMBER: case when Loan Number < Other Loan Numberthen concat(Loan Number,'-', Other Loan…
  • If I understand correctly, you want a count of Account IDs by close date, but if an account ID appears for more than one close date, you only want them counted for a single close date. If that's correct, I would split this into two parts, first figure out which repetition of the Account ID you want to include, and then…
  • The settings in dataflows allow you to run the dataflow when certain datasets are updated. But 'materially changes' means to me that you have some criteria for how the data needs to change in order to run the dataflow. For something like that, you could use the "workflow" feature to set up some custom rules about what…
  • You need to aggregate Quantity in your Progress v2 Beastmode. Try: 'QUARTER(date) like 1 then (1250- (sum(quantity)))
  • Does it work if you take out the "ELSE" clause? Right now, it points InvoiceNo no matter what (when it contains 'A', else when it does not contain 'A').
  • Do you have the same role with the same permissions? The permissions for apps are split in two places, under DomoApps and "Cards and Pages", so it's possible your admin missed the second part when assigning permissions to the role missing access to App Studio (speaking as an admin who did exactly that).
  • This isn't particularly scalable, but you could create duplicate variables and use "or" conditions in your case statement. On the dashboard, you could create a control for each copy of the variable. If you want them to be able to select 5 different deferral codes, create 5 copies of the variable. Example case statement:…
  • Since the formulas are SQL based, they aren't all documented specifically for Domo, or if they are, I haven't seen it, lol. I'll usually Google the name of the formula and Domo, for example: DATE_FORMAT Domo, and if there is something in the knowledge base, that will turn it up. Here's an article on DATE_FORMAT When that…
  • So it sounds like your data is currently like this: ID | Month | Sales | LBs | Cases A | Jan | $5 | 2 | 7 To be able to do what you're describing, I think you'd have to unpivot (use the dynamic unpivot in MagicETL) so the structure is even longer. Like this: ID | Metric | Month | Value A | Sales | Jan | $5 A | LBs | Jan |…
  • I would have a table of profit share per customer like Customer | Share Customer A | 50% Customer B | 100% Then I'd join that table to full profit data, so I have a 'Share' value for every row. A BeastMode could then calculate the "Profit after sharing". You can create filters on your dashboard using any column in your…
  • Are there any other sorts? Do you have anything in your date options in the top right?
  • Have you saved the card and viewed it on the page? I can't see any HTML styling in the analyzer, but I can when the card is displayed. I was able to get your beast mode to format a summary number:
  • So right now you have 4 groups in your series, let's say they're called: Line A Bar A Bar B Bar C Could create a single BeastMode that appends something like "projected" to the end of each of those. CASE WHEN LAST_DAY(date) >= LAST_DAY(CURRENT_DATE()) THEN CONCAT(seriesname, " projected") else seriesname END That should…
  • A BeastMode can "validate" but still be invalid for some reason the "validator" can't catch. That tends to be the reason I get that error.
  • Will we be able to embed an app studio app using Domo Everywhere the way we can share dashboards, or do apps only exist within Domo?
  • This isn't quite what you're asking for, but from a BeastMode, I think I'd do a date diff with the maximum completed date for a store and today's date. Then you could create viz for stores with the longest amount of time since their last audit, and filter for stores that have not had audit in at least __ days. To do what…
  • I reached out to Domo support on this over a year ago, and they said that card descriptions were not supported in pdf/ppt exports. I submitted this product idea, if you want to up-vote it and/or comment on it.
  • I follow. Currently, your columns are something like: Order Number Schedule Date 1 Completed Date 1 Status 1 Schedule Date 2 Completed Date 2 Status 2 …. Schedule Date 10 Completed Date 10 Status 10 You want to unpivot so your columns are: Order Number Stage Number Schedule Date Completed Date Status If un-pivot is giving…
  • Yes, I would create a column with this case statement in a formula tile: CASE WHEN `Product`='c' then `Column with values you want to add` else 0 END Then do a group-by tile that sums that column by ID. Looking at @ArborRose's solution, it looks like you could do it all within the group-by tile using a partition formula…
  • Yes, you could use a Group-by tile, select ID as your group. If your data is structured like this, where ID 1 is all 1s for the Marker column, then you could use "Average" as your aggregating function. On the other hand, the way I'd approach this is I would create the marker column with a simple CASE WHEN Product = 'c'…
  • It's definitely an issue that gets a question in the community forum every couple weeks. +1 for this request for sure. Here's the first couple I found with a search:
  • Yes, if you have 0 available days in the denominator, you will get NA values for that, which is why it would not show that category on the graph. You're adding percents by category, so even if your overall utilization rate was 86%, if your utilization of green was 97% and your utilization of orange was 93%, then the…
  • I'm noticing your formula should be !='' or >=1 to get the non-empty results. It's also possible in addition to an empty string, you could have a string comprised of white spaces, which would have a length greater than 0 and not be equal to '' '' vs. ' ' To account for that, I think wrapping your code in TRIM() should…
  • The Flex Table works a bit like a pivot table, and has options for bars by time period as the chart. I think that would be closer to what you're trying to build with no HTML required:
  • I would probably still create a column that is either the link to the image or a link to an image that represents the file type, and then use that as the image source in the HTML Beastmode. (To me, it's harder to get HTML code right, so I want to keep that part of the code as simple as possible). But if you want to do it…
  • You're using `stepAnswerUploadUrl` to point towards the image icon and that's working? Why don't you add the url for your PDF icon to that same column so you don't need a CASE statement? Like all IMAGES, could have this url as their <img src>: And all PDFs could have this url as their <img src>:
  • I can reproduce the error. Jones01 is not using "limit rows", they are using "Max items" in the general settings. I would agree this appears to be a bug in how the tooltip is aggregated for "other" bars. @Jones01 Until they resolve this bug, you could do something similar (but more manual) by creating a rank column in…
  • I think I found a solution (at least for rstatix), but hopefully this helps with others as well: A dependency of a lot of R packages is the 'nloptr' package (including rstatix), which in turn requires 'cmake'. I believe cmake should be available on the operating system already, but for some reason the Jupyter environment…
  • Unfortunately, I cannot update the version of R, since that's managed by Domo. I'm working through dependencies, but it's turtles all the way down. They get the same error. I'll play with 'try installing from source', but I'm curious if anyone has any actual experience with Jupyter and R? Most of the documentation and…
  • With a radial gauge, the implied target is the end of the range (the metaphor of a filed tank of gas). In your picture, that would be 100K. The "Filled" gauge has an option to add a target line that isn't the end of the range: Or the "Comparative Fill Gauge" has a bunch of options for comparing to target, comparing to a…