AKnowles Contributor


  • @Mickey If you look at the Knowledge article they have on Pivot Tables, this is a known issue I believe: https://domo-support.domo.com/s/article/360043429473?language=en_US You are supposed to use the sorting arrows when you are using a pivot table.
  • Hello @AKnowles, this issue is due to having blank information and we actually have a setting to fix this. It is in the Category Scale (X) in properties and is the Fill Missing Dates checkbox. When this is unchecked, it resolves the issue.
  • Hello @AKnowles The answer to this is simple. If there is too much information in the table you will only see a few options in the dropdown due to the amount of rows that you are trying to process. The group by option was designed to remedy this. If you group it by the same field, it should aggregate the data and show you…
  • @NathanDorsch I do not believe that Domo has that functionality as of yet. If you like, you could suggest it in the ideas exchange to get traction on the idea to implement it in the future! https://dojo.domo.com/main/categories/ideas For a temporary fix, I believe that the pages are ordered in order of creation by default.…
  • @pstrauss The SFTP Writeback also has a tile option for Magic ETL. This way you could use the same formulas in your report for the CSV that you recieve from the card to recieve the same results and still write back to an SFTP server. I would reach out to your CSM for the integration suite. If you already have it, you can…
  • @user015090 Yes! This is a feature switch. If you contact support@domo.com they should be able to assist you in enabling that feature for your instance. This will only allow videos in the HTML tables, none of the other tables in Domo.
  • I was able to find a similar way to upload a video using the HTML table that someone has tried in the past. Here is the format they used: <video controls="" width="320" height="240"> <source src="http://test.test.com/video/990/89079890ffd0dab8726"> </video> It looks like it works within the analyzer, but not in production…
  • Another option would to be to create a Beast Mode that counts Yes and No anwers and allows you to then count them according to the criteria of the filters on the card. Something to the effect of: CASE WHEN `YesOrNo` = ‘Yes’ THEN COUNT(`YesOrNo`) WHEN `YesOrNo` = ‘No" THEN COUNT(`YesOrNo`) ELSE 0
  • Hello! Also, if you would like to suggest something like this to be implemented into the slicer cards you can do so by posting a suggestion here: https://dojo.domo.com/main/categories/ideas
  • Hello! This is a great question. I do not believe that we have any current options to change the font/size/format of the titles of cards. However, if you wanted to follow this knowledge article, you should be able to set up your Summary number with format changes and hide your title on the dashboard. This would be a work…
  • We do not currently provide multiple paths for a Drill Path in any cards. If you would like to submit this idea to our product team, you can do so here: https://dojo.domo.com/main/categories/ideas However, you can use DDX Bricks to do this I believe. If you use the DDX Interactive Phoenix Map App from the appstore, it…
  • I thought that there was an option to show even when overlapping, but I am not positive if that would assist in this instance. If this is not available, I would suggest taking this to the Ideas Exchange to get this upvoted to be implemented as product enhancement. Here is a link to the page:…
  • Hello! I am not sure if this is possible to use in the summary number, but if you would like to use a Beastmode to grab the MONTH from the date column you can use a function similar to this: (SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(date) = MONTH(CURDATE()) THEN id ELSE 0 END) / NULLIF(SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(date) = MONTH(CURDATE()-1) THEN id…
  • Hello @Pello If you could be a little more specific or provide some screenshots on what labels you want to customize, I might be able to assist!
  • @DavidChurchman Michelle is correct. If you would like, you can provide a suggestion here: https://dojo.domo.com/main/categories/ideas This is where we suggest improvements to the product. Thank you!