Drill Path Filter to show Specific Apt's without a Specific Procedure


Hey guys,

I'm afraid that the answer to my question is that I need to do it in ETL, but I was hoping that it could be done via a beast mode instead. Basically I have a list of procedures done by our dentists that looks similar to below:

Dentist | Procedure | Procedure Date| Appointment Number | Patient

Dr B | D0330 | 4/1/22 | 80362 | I. M. Madeup

Dr B | D0261 | 4/1/22 | 80362 I. M. Madeup

So an appointment number will have multiple procedures listed under it. I want to create a drill path that shows only the patients who don't have a specific procedure scheduled in their appointment.

So basically I want to look at the case when an appointment number has the Procedure D0330 scheduled during it, and then I want to exclude it in that drill path view. Is this possible using a beast mode or would I have to set it up in magic ETL?

If it does need to be done in ETL what would be the best way to tie that procedure code to every row of the appointment number?


  • MichelleH

    @jordan_platinum An ETL update is likely your best bet in this case. I recommend using the ETL Rank & Window tile to add a count of non-null Procedures, partitioned by Appointment Number. This will tell you how many procedures are scheduled for that appointment. Then you can filter the drill view of your card to only show COUNT = 0 to show the appointments with no procedures scheduled.

  • GrantSmith

    Could you filter for only the D0330 procedure code in your main card and then have your drill path filter out the D0330 procedure code and have the user click on the appointment number to filter that specific appointment in the drill path?

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