Looking for Pattern in Data

ozarkram Member
edited May 2022 in Magic ETL

Hi All,

One of the fields (orderstatus) in my report has values like 37141 SLD BAM , SOLD BRANDON BOX 36790...I need to look for values SLD and SOLD ..If these are present then I need to flag that row as Sold otherwise it is stock...Can you please let me know how to achieve this using Beast mode



  • MarkSnodgrass

    You can use a case statement to evaluate this and look for SLD and SOLD. It would look like this:

    (CASE when `orderstatus` like '%SLD%' THEN 'Sold'
    when `orderstatus` like '%SOLD%' THEN 'Sold'
    ELSE 'Stock'

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  • ozarkram

    Hi @MarkSnodgrass , Thank you so much for your response!..I also want to check if the first character is a * then I want to flag it 1.. For ex: *SLD 05/11/2022 - I need to flag this 1 ..*SOLD 05/15/2022 -I need to flag this 1 ,1277489 STK#39298.32831 * -I need to flag this 0..can you please let me know how to do this..

  • MarkSnodgrass

    If the * is always right next to SLD or SOLD then you could just tweak the beast mode to be like this:

    (CASE when `orderstatus` like '%*SLD%' THEN 'Sold'
    when `orderstatus` like '%*SOLD%' THEN 'Sold'
    ELSE 'Stock'

    If it can be anywhere in the string but also needs to contain SLD or SOLD then you could do this:

    (CASE when `orderstatus` like '%SLD%' AND `orderstatus` like '%*%' THEN 'Sold'
    when `orderstatus` like '%SOLD%' AND `orderstatus` like '%*%' THEN 'Sold'
    ELSE 'Stock'

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