How to select most recent data for bar chart


Greetings - I recently posted asking about defaulting to the most recent data for a single value chart and got a great solution; now, I'm struggling with the same issue with a stacked bar chart where I don't have the option to use the value from the last row of data.  My data is usually updated around noon; until then, I'd like the chart to display yesterday's values.  Here's what my chart looks like (I changed to yesterday so that there would be data, but have had it set to today).  Thanks in advance for your help.  


Horiz Bar.PNG


  • Cartergan
    Cartergan Contributor

    You could try a BeastMode around the lines of:

    case when `Date` = CURRENT_DATE() then CURRENT_DATE() ELSE SUBDATE(CURRENT_DATE(), interval 1 day) end

    and use that as yourY-axis

  • LLucinski

    Thank you!  

  • LLucinski

    Hi @Cartergan -- Thought your suggested beast mode was the solution, but it did not work.  Today's data is not yet available and the chart is showing, "no data in filtered range".  Any thoughts?  Thanks.

    I used:


    case when `DATE` = CURRENT_DATE() then CURRENT_DATE() ELSE SUBDATE(CURRENT_DATE(), interval 1 day) end

    @Cartergan wrote:

    You could try a BeastMode around the lines of:

    case when `Date` = CURRENT_DATE() then CURRENT_DATE() ELSE SUBDATE(CURRENT_DATE(), interval 1 day) end

    and use that as yourY-axis

    Not working.PNG

  • Cartergan
    Cartergan Contributor

    @LLucinski  You may need to change your date range to All Time. 


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