MAX Price


I have a list of suppliers and their prices. Is there a way in Domo to find the lowest and highest prices and return the supplier who has them.


Attached is an example of what I am trying to achieve

Any Help would be appreciated


Many Thanks

Simon Gillham

Best Answer

  • Prajju
    Prajju Member
    Answer ✓



    You will need to create a MySQL Transform as follows:


    1)Select the input dataset

    2)Apply the following transform:


    select supplier, fruit_size, min(price) as 'Cheapest Price'

     from example_data

     group by fruit_size


    3) Create an output dataset.


    This should work. Let me know if you have any other concerns.



  • Prajju
    Prajju Member
    Answer ✓



    You will need to create a MySQL Transform as follows:


    1)Select the input dataset

    2)Apply the following transform:


    select supplier, fruit_size, min(price) as 'Cheapest Price'

     from example_data

     group by fruit_size


    3) Create an output dataset.


    This should work. Let me know if you have any other concerns.


  • I would recommend a combination of a box and whisker plot and a drill path to provide granularity.  You could also just use the card in the drill path if you want all of the data on the first view, I liked seeing the spread with the box and whisker though.  Box and WhiskerBox and Whisker


    Drill PathDrill Path


    All Sizes at onceAll Sizes at once






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