Domo Design Studio - Multi Select Widget



I am using the Design Studio App and am attempting to add a Multi-select widget to my app to filter by Region. However, when I try to filter on the region the numbers toggle to 0 which isn't right. I've attached screenshots of what my IndicatorName and Values are and what the settings look like in Adobe Illustrator.


Thanks in advance for your help!




  • Hi,

    Is anyone able to help out with this request?


  • Can anyone possibly assist?


    Thank you!

  • Hello,


    I am sure this has been solved by now but I figured I would answer just in case anyone else is searching for this information.


    Your multi-select DisplayName is the name it will display in your app but the multi-select Value is what it will actually filter on. Currently you are trying to filter on "Indicator Name" but you are using "BDR Status" as the Value in the multi-select (which from your first image, looks like an integer?). Best practice, I have found, is to have a separate dataset for your multi-select, having two columns, which will be used as the DisplayName and Value. For example ... 


    DisplayName        Value

    Japan                     Japan

    China                    China


    Notice how both the DisplayName is Japan and the value you are trying to filter on is Japan.


    Hope this helps, if you haven't already solve it.




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