Does anyone know if the new Excel Plugin is available and/or already works on a Mac?


I've downloaded the Excel Plugin on my MacBook Pro, but it's an *.msi file, which is a Windows file.  As I have a Windows VM running on my Mac (strictly so I can use Domo Workbench), it tries to open the file in my Windows VM.  However, my Excel is on my Mac, and not on the Virtual Machine.  

So, first, does the Excel Plugin work on a Mac (MS Office for Mac), and second, is there a separate download file for Mac users to download and extract?

Best Answer

  • Gavatar
    Gavatar Domo Product Manager
    Answer ✓

    The plugin does not work on a Mac. Unfortunately the capabilities that we need for the plugin are not available for Excel on the Mac. We love Mac computers here at Domo but the MicroSoft tools are not very powerful in their Mac apps.


  • Gavatar
    Gavatar Domo Product Manager
    Answer ✓

    The plugin does not work on a Mac. Unfortunately the capabilities that we need for the plugin are not available for Excel on the Mac. We love Mac computers here at Domo but the MicroSoft tools are not very powerful in their Mac apps.

  • gush

    Thanks, Gavatar! Though that's not the answer I was hoping for, it is what I needed to know!

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