Error in Case statement in Beastmode

Hi there, I'm getting this error when creating a case statement in Beast mode. Hoping someone can help? 


Invalid Formula : A column in this calculation did not exist.


This is the case statement. It's pretty simple, and the column definitely exists in the dataset, so I'm not sure why it won't work. 


when `Active days` >= 90 then "90+ Days"
when `Active days` >= 60 then "60-90 Days"
when `Active days` >= 30 then "30-60 Days"
when `Active days` < 30 then "<30 Days"

Best Answer

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    The issue is that you are using double quotation marks in your then statement. It should be single quotes like this:

    when `Active days` >= 90 then '90+ Days'
    when `Active days` >= 60 then '60-90 Days'
    when `Active days` >= 30 then '30-60 Days'
    when `Active days` < 30 then '<30 Days'
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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    The issue is that you are using double quotation marks in your then statement. It should be single quotes like this:

    when `Active days` >= 90 then '90+ Days'
    when `Active days` >= 60 then '60-90 Days'
    when `Active days` >= 30 then '30-60 Days'
    when `Active days` < 30 then '<30 Days'
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    **Make sure to <3 any users posts that helped you.
    **Please mark as accepted the ones who solved your issue.
  • facepalm. thank you.