How to replace an existing dataset

I'm trying to create a dataflow that increments a counter. Dataset ds1 has one record with one field containing a number. The dataflow should input ds1, increment the number by one, and output the number back to ds1, replacing the existing data.


When I run the dataflow, it creates ds2 with the same name as ds1 but a different dsid.


When editing the dataflow, I can specify ds1 as input and output, but I don't see anywhere to say that they are the same dataset, since Domo allows multiple datasets with the same name.


Thanks in advance for your attention.

Best Answer

  • AS
    AS Coach
    Answer ✓

    This closely mimics what is sometimes referred to here as a recursive dataflow.

    Your output is used as an input after running the dataflow initially.  It's not just that the datasets have the same names, it's that the dataset becomes an input to itself (same DSID).  You should be able to increment your row value that way.

    There are a couple solutions in the Dojo for recursive dataflows.  Search those out and let me know if you have further questions.

    MajorDomo @ Merit Medical

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  • AS
    AS Coach
    Answer ✓

    This closely mimics what is sometimes referred to here as a recursive dataflow.

    Your output is used as an input after running the dataflow initially.  It's not just that the datasets have the same names, it's that the dataset becomes an input to itself (same DSID).  You should be able to increment your row value that way.

    There are a couple solutions in the Dojo for recursive dataflows.  Search those out and let me know if you have further questions.

    MajorDomo @ Merit Medical

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