RGranada Contributor


  • Hi, I think @Godzilla is right. Another way to tackle this would be : SUM(`Actual Call Volume`) / NULLIF(SUM(`Forecasted Call Volume`),0) Hope this helps.
  • Hi, I don't think you are able to easily change the font type. There are options to change the font size and color in some chart types, but not the type. Hope this helps.
  • Hi, Try syncing the value scales. You can find this option in Chart Properties / General / Sync Value Scales. Hope this helps.
  • Hi, Try the following Beast Mode: CASE WHEN LEFT(your_original_Column,1)='o' THEN 'site one' WHEN LEFT(your_original_Column,1)='w' THEN 'site two' END If you need more info on beast modes, this link can help : https://knowledge.domo.com/?cid=beastmodecalculation Hope this helps.
  • Hi, You will have to go card by card, and in the Edit Drill Path : Select "Prevent drilling to final grid view." checkbox. That should do it. Hope this helps.
  • Hi, I think the following beast mode will do the trick: CASE WHEN Length(CONCAT(ABS(ROUND(Your_Field_Name,0)),'')) = 9 THEN CONCAT(SUBSTRING(CONCAT(Round((ABS(Your_Field_Name)),0),'' ),1,3),',',SUBSTRING(CONCAT(Round((ABS(Your_Field_Name)),0),'' ),3,3),',',SUBSTRING(CONCAT(Round((ABS(Your_Field_Name)),0),'' ),6,3)) WHEN…
  • Hi, One possibility would be clicking on the one part of the x-axis and the in the consequent drill there will be presented a filter with the same field used on that axis (This would work if your x-axis and "date Range" field are the same, which often happens). Maybe it fulfills your needs. Hope this helps.
  • Hi, Yes, that is indeed possible if you use page level filters, there you can select one or more fields from one or more datasets to filter from and they will affect all the cards in that page using those datasets/Fields. You can find more on this at this link: http://knowledge.domo.com?cid=pageanalyzer Hope this helps.
  • Hi, From the tests I've made with this feature, it does force workbench to use the selected datatype or use the error handling selected operation if the data cannot be converted to the selected datatype. Hope this helps.
  • So... Been reviewing this as best as I can and here some modifications to the code: Where Proc1: Select a.Dates from ( select curdate() - INTERVAL (a.a + (10 * b.a) + (100 * c.a)+ (1000*d.a)) DAY as Dates from (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select…
  • Ok forgot that... Yes, you can split all your columns as you need in Magic ETL, leave the dates in the fields as they are, then use a MySql Dataflow to convert the dates, use output dataset of your magic ETL in the MySql Dataflow then use the same code in the output section of the MySQL dataflow. You can convert multiple…
  • Hi, I think you will not easily achieve this in Magic ETL. Try a MySql Data Flow before your Magic ETL. Just add your table to a new data flow and use this code in an output of the dataflow: Select STR_TO_DATE(your_text_date_Field_name,'%Y%m%d%h%i%s') AS formated_date, * From your_data_set_name Hope this helps. Don't…
  • Hi, From my experience and if you are handling justifiable amounts of data redshift will offer you a considerable boost in performance. Actually, all of my 200+ dataflows are exclusively redshift. I would say that for anything over 250.000 rows go with Redshift (actually I am using it even for fewer quantities of data).…
  • Hi, I don't think value mapper has the ability to use inline function only static values for replacing. Anyhow you can achieve that later (If it suites you) in a Beast Mode or a MySql DataFlow with the following: IFNULL(your_date_field, CurDate()) Hope this helps. 
  • Hi, The following Beast Mode will give you the week number (weeks starting on Saturday) for a given date: MOD(FLOOR((DATEDIFF(your_date_field,'2006-01-01' )-6)/7),52)+1 Tell me how it went. Hope this helps.
  • Hi, Are you referring to BeastModes shared in the datafusion's result dataset? Or beastmodes used in cards built upon the datafusion's result dataset but just saved on the cards themselves? Regards,
  • Ok , So, I think that in a datatable you will only have the aggregation enabled in the sorting section if there is at least one aggregated field (with a calculation other then no aggregation) (even the field in question) in the data table itself. Hope this helps.
  • Are the chart types the same?
  • Hi, You seem to be sorting on a BeastMode, do you have an aggregation function inside that Beastmode (SUM,AVG,COUNT,...) ? If so DOMO won't let you define a different aggregate in the sorting section. Hope this helps.Don't hesitate to ask if you need more help on this.
  • Hi, The work around would be to transform your beastmode into a new dataset column via a data flow. This way you could filter on it. Hope this helps, don't hesitate to ask if you need more help on this!
  • Ok, Try: SELECT CASE WHEN `Venturer_Dist`< `Strategist_Dist` AND `Venturer_Dist`< `Operator_Dist` THEN 'Venturer' END AS ColumnName FROM transform_data_3 changes in Bold italic If you are using this is a dataflow try also to loose the "`" : SELECT CASE WHEN Venturer_Dist < Strategist_Dist AND Venturer_Dist < Operator_Dist…
  • Hi, What's the error? Can/did you run transform_data_3 correctly? Regards,
  • Hi, You can do it here: After clicking the pencil symbol, you can change the owner user. Hope this helps.
  • Hi, Great question @ST_-Superman-_. I do think that "generate output table" only applies in DQL (Data Query Language) commands. Being "CREATE" a DDL (Data Defenition Language) command it does not result in a table, it creates a schema for a new table, different thing in terms of results. Anyhow, in my view DOMO should not…
  • Hi, Are you uploading via a connector or WorkBench? Via connector there are multiple ways you can go: First, use a dummy row with a text value like 'ABC' in excel to force DOMO to recognize the column as Text (Would have to filter it out on the cards or a dataflow, or better yet give this row irrelevant values for your…
  • Hi, For your first question, I think PDP (Personalized Data Permissions) could answer your questions. Here are some links from DOMO University : https://university.domo.com/search?s=pdp Second Question, if I correctly understood it you can add several series in various types of charts, being one series your "shipped qtd"…
  • Hi, Yes, even in slideshow mode the data updates will be reflected on the cards being shown. Hope this helps.
  • I can't see why it should not work. Try this version, it has minor changes: Select * from tst_dj_clients_poc WHERE `Client Name` NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT `Client Name` From tst_dj_clients_poc WHERE `User Org`=`Client Org`) Can you share a sample of your real data? Regards,
  • Can you share the schema? Regards.
  • Hi @wgechter, It's strange, the first approach runs for me. The following example table : Using the following query : Select * from tst_dj_clients_poc WHERE `Client Name` NOT IN (SELECT `Client Name` From tst_dj_clients_poc WHERE `User Org`=`Client Org`) Results in: We should be missing something... I'm testing in DOMO…