MartinB Member


  • Got the answer. Just needed to play a little with where I wanted to get this value. Also, I had to re publish my app, as trying to replace userId with userName gave me several bugs, I decided to add a column in my collection so it saves userId AND userName in separate fields domo.get('/domo/users/v1/' + domo.env.userId +…
  • Hopefully some of the gurus sees this post and gives us a learning path on this topic. Thanks anyways! 
  • Thanks. It can work. I was expecting to recreate something like what was shown in the Advanced App Building course at DP19 with Cameron Williams: var dql = { columns: [ { exprType: "COLUMN", column: "PrimaryInspector" }, { exprType: "FUNCTION", name: "SUM", arguments: [{ exprType: "COLUMN", column: "TotalTime" }] } ],…
  • Hello. It's not external, it is within my app directory under the img folder. It's referenced in the css and I tried it in the native HTML and it works fine in the dev instance but not in Domo
  • Thank you very much @Jarvis !
  • No, the image is the background for my card/app Either this <body onload="getData(), messCont()" background="img/img1.JPG"> <div> or this HTML <body onload="getData(), messCont()"> CSS body{ text-align: center; font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bolder; background: url("../img/img1.JPG"); background-size: cover;…
  • Hello, what about for an HTML custom app? Normally I would set the background image in the HTML or CSS code, but it appears not to be working now (it shrinks the card to a 300x300 when not in preview mode) Is there any other way to do this?
  • Thanks! That fixed my issue.
  • Thanks. That worked fine.
  • Thanks, I managed to do it myself. Feel free to ask me for the code if you want to know how I did it 
  • Great, thanks! Is it possible to make the field label dynamic as well?