Gimli Contributor


  • Hello @woganmay, You should be able to use the path ./v1/data/{id} to pull the schema. For example: GET /v1/datasets/08a061e2-12a2-4646-b4bc-20beddb403e3 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json Host: Authorization: bearer <your-valid-oauth-access-token> Here is a document that will provide further detail.…
  • Hello @Ops, Great question. It currently this is not possible to do. This would be a great idea to post to the Idea Exchange Board:
  • Hello @stanjackson, There is not a way to pull all meta data about all datasets. However we can do one dataset at a time. Using You can make the API call : GET /v1/datasets/{datasetId} to pull the meta data about that dataset. Here is a link to the API…
  • @HelenOBrien, There is currently a bug with exporting card from a publication group that are using certain filters. It would be great if you could email with the details of the issue you are seeing. 
  • Hello @Godiepi, Great question. Sadly there is not an easy way to define the formatting of the column before it is exported. Through beastmode you can format columns slightly. For date columns we can use: Date_Format() to change visual of the date. -- This will convert the column to be a string To shorten a date from a…
  • Hello @HelenOBrien, The cards that you are trying to export are they in a publication group? 
  • Hello @rsgmon, Sadly at this time there is not a way to make a column header a clickable link. However, using beast mode we can create this as a row of data in a column. Your beastmode query would be your HTML surrounded by a CONCAT() function: CONCAT('<a href="url/path_0">label_0</a>') This should create a clickable link…
  • Hello @jason-hc, This is a great question. Sadly when the card is set as small or medium you cannot see data labels. However, if you hover over a selection, you can show the values. At this time the only way to show data labels on a card, at the page level, is to make the card large. This would be a great idea to post in…
  • Hello @kingaaronj, Sadly there is not a way to do this in a Sumo card, without creating a new column. We can use a dataflow and create a ranking column. Based off of this ranking we can use it as a filter in the sumo card. For example this would be the query we would use in a MySQL dataflow: SELECT a.* ,@rank:= @rank + 1…
  • Hello @nlinnell, It looks like your syntax below is written for RedShift dataflows. The example was written for MySQL dataflows. RedShift does not support ADDDATE(). Please try using DATEADD() in your join. DATEADD( datepart, interval, {date|timestamp} ) Here is a link to RedShift documentation that explains how to use…
  • Hello @ManseauN, Sadly at this time there is not a way to define for the default value to be 0 ,without creating a beast mode.
  • MySQL has been enabled for you. If you have further questions on how to accomplish something in MySQL please create a new Dojo post or email Thanks!
  • Hello Angel, There are other ways of doing this. However mysql is far more effective than the other methods. The other methods can be very long and tedious if all your data is not the same length. I saw your domobuzz for mysql dataflow access. I have put in the request to enable this for you. I will let you know as soon as…
  • Hello @jkb, You are correct. This calculation will need to be done in a dataflow. You should be able to do it in a SQL dataflow using the following query: SELECT (SELECT MAX(`Min Order Cards`) FROM input_dataset) - (SELECT MIN(`Min Order Cards`) FROM input_dataset) AS 'Difference' FROM input_dataset
  • Hello @angelsinha, We can use a SUBSTRING_INDEX() function in MySQL dataflows to accomplish this. An example query would be: SELECT 'Campaign Date_Campaign Name_Campaign Type_Source_Language_Status' 'Original Value' ,SUBSTRING_INDEX('Campaign Date_Campaign Name_Campaign Type_Source_Language_Status','_',1) '1'…
  • Hello @sufficingsoup, Dataflows do not alter the input datasets. They will create a new output dataset that is the result of the query you use. Because of this we cannot add/delete rows from a dataset. We can create a new dataset as the output of the dataflow that contains a new row. When using dataflows everything you do…
  • Hello @mwade and @kivlind, Sadly in beastmode we cannot calculate this. We will need to use a dataflow to accomplish this. Using a Magic ETL: In ETL we first want to replicate our card. * Add an input dataset and select your dataset * If your card has any filters you want to apply them next, using "Filter Rows" * We will…
  • @shaanarora, Glad you were able to use the LAG function. Just for additional reference. As mentioned the most recent will always return "Account Closed". We can use another formula to avoid this. In the original "Example" query we will replace 'Account Closed' with another formula. IF(If(@prev=a.`name` ,'','New Account') =…
  • Hello @kingaaronj, There is a great article that goes into details about each function in beastmode. Please see the section under, "Week" in the following article. the week number for all dates in a date/time column. Equivalent to WEEKOFYEAR. Adrenaline 2 users…
  • Hello, Sadly there is not a way to accomplish this through a beastmode. Beastmode runs data on a row by row comparison. This means that we cannot compare data from one row to another row. To accomplish this we will need to use a MySQL dataflow. The query is slightly complex. Lets say we start with a table such as:…
  • Hello @jaz, Sadly we do not support Javascript. However you can use HTML in a table card to hyperlink. You would apply this through a beastmode. For example your beastmode would look similar to: CONCAT('<a href="',`__Column containing link__`, '">link text</a>') Please let me know if this helps. Thanks,
  • Hello @iQuanti, This can be accomplished through a SQL dataflow. You will have two transforms. Transform 1 will be to group your data down to a day view. SELECT `Date` ,SUM(`Sales`) As 'Sales' ,`Product` FROM input_dataset GROUP BY `Date`, `Product` **Key notes * We can add more columns into the Select statement. We need…
  • Hello @Wendizzle, You can reach out to the domo support team to get this dataset enabled. You can email them at
  • Hello @dr, Sadly, this is something that we would not be able to do through magic ETL, currently. However, you can accomplish this in a SQL dataflow. If you would like help doing this you can email me at and I can help you implement this. 
  • Hello @Shevy, This would be a great thing to ask the DOMO Support Team. You can reach them at the following url
  • Hello @mbelmont, I have found two beastmode formulas that will accomplish this: 5* FLOOR(DATEDIFF(`endDate`, `startDate`) /7) + SUBSTRING('0123444401233334012222340111123400012345001234550', 7 * WEEKDAY(`startDate`) + WEEKDAY(`endDate`) + 1, 1) AND CASE WHEN YEARWEEK(`End Date`) = YEARWEEK(`Start Date`) THEN…
    in Business Days Comment by Gimli June 2016
  • Hello @MattGo, We can utilize beastmodes to find this. To find the current quarter we would use the following formula: SUM(CASE WHEN QUARTER(`Date` ) = QUARTER(curdate()) AND YEAR(`Date`) = YEAR(curdate()) THEN `Value` End) To find the previous quarter we would use: SUM(CASE WHEN QUARTER(`Date` ) =…
  • Hello, In order to call upon NULL values in a beastmode you refer to them using the key word NULL. For example: CASE WHEN `date` IS NULL THEN 'x' ELSE 'y' END If this does not fix the issue you are experiencing you can email our great support team at 
  • Hello @MReznick, Sadly there is not an effective way to accomplish this through a beastmode. However we can accomplish this through a SQL dataflow. To do this we are going to take advantage of the SQL function SUBSTRING_INDEX(). For example: Email: SUBSTRING_INDEX('','@',-1) -->…
  • Hello @tmullins, A beastmode sees data as a row by row comparison. When you aggregate the column by using SUM() it tries to aggregate the data down to one row. Then the card is trying to group by the date you are trying to show on your card. This combination is confusing the card. I will send you an email in a moment so we…