Domo workbench, how to edit the dataset name

I'm new to Domo, so learning the basics.

I successfully created a dataset job connecting to our SQL database.


Now I want to change the name of the DataSet. But I don't see any option to edit a dataset.

Is there really no option to edit? I have to delete and create new?

Is there a way to copy a dataset them modify the new one?


  • Godzilla
    Godzilla Contributor

    You can rename the dataset name in Domo. you have to go to the Data Center and find the dataset you want to rename. Click on it and go itno the detail page fo the dataset. Click on the little wrench on the top right and select "Edit Name & Description" 

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  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @cwalliser, did Godzilla's reply help answer your question?

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