Why do all Redshift Datflows (still) convert all variables to lower case?

user084060 Member
edited March 2023 in Scheduled Reports


we're currently doing an audit and noticed that legacy datasets have 2 versions, with the 2nd version just capitalizing the variable names (often a magic ETL). The first version is in Redshift - building dataflows in redshift is quite popular within our team because it has fuctions that mysql dataflows doesn't have. When does Domo plan to add the functionality that allows to capitalize columns in redshift dataflows? It would help us to get rid of one of the 2 versions and free up row capacity within Domo.


  • @user084060 I've also used Redshift quite a bit for the same reasons as your team and also found it frustrating to have all column names in lowercase, especially when using interactions on dashboards.

    More recently, however, I've started using MagicETL v2 for the majority of my new dataflows instead of Redshift. The updated functionality, like formula tiles, have been able to address most of the reasons why I had originally leaned on Redshift over MagicETL. I've also found that MagicETL v2 runs much more efficiently and has more consistent processing times than Redshift. At this point, I really only use Redshift for very specific use cases, such as having to perform complex joins.

    To bring this back to your original question, if Redshift's lowercase field names are causing that much of an issue for you then I suggest you give MagicETL v2 a try to see if that meets your needs.

  • I've encountered this issue too.

    When I made new connections to some cards, they would randomly break. Turns out Redshift was making everything lowercase and my columns were no longer recognized.

    It would be great to have a function to correct it, please.