CSV size limitation in scheduled reports

Hello, we've noticed a modification in scheduled reports (with CSV file attached). In recent days, the CSV attached to our scheduled report is limited to 25K. Do you know if there was a modification of attached files (CSV) to a scheduled report recently ? Is there a way to remove this limit ?

Thank you for your help. Michel


  • If you are using the mega table card type, it is limited to 25,000 rows. Additionally, Scheduled Reports CSV attachments have a 5mb limit, but it sounds like the row limitation is your issue.

    To get around this, you would need to look to export the actual dataset and there isn't a straightforward scheduled option to do this. It would likely require using the Domo API or the CLI tool.

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  • Thank you Mark, do you know if it is something new because it was working before with the same card ? Thx

  • I know the mega table limit has been in place since it was created. I don't have specific experience with the scheduled reports limitation, but I would be surprised if the CSV export was providing more data than the card that it is based off of.

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  • That's been a restriction for a while. Has your dataset recently grown in size?

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  • My customers are also requesting scheduled report attachment sizes greater than 5MB, as well as including Excel as an option attachment type. DOMO support stated "5MB is the limit for attachments most exchange servers limit the size to 2MB" which seems a little outdated, especially for a data solution.