Rolling Average Calculation

HI There,


I'm trying to do a rolling average calculation. 

Compare Average of previous 7 days (not including yesterday) versus yesterday. 


CASE WHEN AVG(CASE WHEN `advertiser` = 'coke' AND (`day` <= CURRENT_DATE()-2 and `day` >= CURRENT_DATE()-8) THEN `revenue` ELSE 0 END) = 0 THEN 0
(SUM(CASE WHEN `advertiser` = 'coke' AND `day` = CURRENT_DATE()-1 THEN `revenue` ELSE 0 END)
AVG(CASE WHEN `advertiser` = 'coke' AND (`day` <= CURRENT_DATE()-2 and `day` >= CURRENT_DATE()-8) THEN `revenue` ELSE 0 END)-1)






  • You won't be able to perform this kind of analysis in beast mode.  You would need to capture the prev 7 day average in a dataflow and then you could do the calculation comparing it to yesterday either in the beastmode or in the dataflow.

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