New Search Ads 360 Reporting API

As google is recommending SA360 users to migrate to new search ads 360 reporting API that connects to new UI platform, wondering when DOMO connector to new API will be available ??

Below is reference resources for new SA360 reporting API

Migrate to the new Search Ads 360 Reporting API | Search Ads 360 Reporting API (beta) | Google Developers< >;!!JkQWbQ!S130hgcCWmOCUoa8yKPivVV1Dc-Lmj0XWueaD0Tfzkfdlv5nGmdNaEg8RAMO-dy9YrpBv4dNtVsMkYPwSupFXmTj$



  • An alternative would be to have the SA360 data ingested into BigQuery and utilize the BigQuery connector to pull the data.

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  • @Bhoomi There is SA360 connector in alpha right now. We're happy to enable the connector for any customer who would be willing to alpha test it for us. Couple of notes:

    (1) The alpha connector is currently a completely seperate one from the production version. This means that you can create datasets in the alpha version without affecting the production one.

    (2) The alpha connector may have some issues. It is in the alpha state, and not in the production state. So anyone powering up the connector may see issues.

    (3) Production datasets should not be powered up on the alpha connector. Once the alpha connector is GA ready, the current production connector will be updated, and the alpha connector will be removed. At that point, the alpha connector will no longer be supported.

    (4) The API for the alpha connector is different from the current production one. As such, the options available are quite different and will not map 1-1 to the current production one.