Import CSV File via Python (Domo API)


Hello, community,

I am currently writing a python app that will allow me to import CSV data (per the requirements of the API reference).

When uploading the CSV file via the python SDK and/or using PUT command, I get a 400 error.


 Error uploading DataSet: {"status":400,"statusReason":"Bad Request","message":"Only DataSets created with the API can be updated via APIs.","toe":"7RSBGISL15-SPKQ3-FBFG0"}


Has anyone ever been able to pass in the CSV file as it is (file path) either using the SDK or with the PUT request in the content-type or body?

Logically, being able to pass the file would make sense, but, what I am guessing (documentation is lacking here on Domo end) that they prefer not to handle unpacking a file via a request -> loading data -> discarding file.

If you have successfully been able to pass the data in without the file path could you kindly share with me an example successful post request?

The dataset I am trying to append data to with the CSV file is this connector type. Is it possible this is the wrong connector (image below)?

Thank you in advance and I appreciate your wisdom!


Isaiah Melendez


Best Answer

  • imelendez
    imelendez Member
    Answer ✓

    The awkward moment when you figure it out and have to post the answer to your own question.

    What I figured out:

    • If you use the Python SDK, leverage the datasets.create() method to create an API driven dataset.
    • You will need to instantiate the DataSetRequest() object and pass in your
    • Build out your schema for your using DSR
    • Execute dataset creation
    • Leverage the data_import_from_file() method to upload the csv data to the newly created API dataset
    def create_dataset(self):
        domo_client = self.generate_domo_client()
        dsr = DataSetRequest() = 'ATME_TEST_PYTHON'
        dsr.description = 'This is a test'
        dsr.schema = Schema([Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'shop_id'),
                             Column(ColumnType.STRING, 'location_id'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'status_id'),
                             Column(ColumnType.DATETIME, 'date_closed'),
                             Column(ColumnType.STRING, 'firstname'),
                             Column(ColumnType.STRING, 'lastname'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'remote_customer_id'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'year'),
                             Column(ColumnType.STRING, 'make'),
                             Column(ColumnType.STRING, 'model'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'remote_vehicle_id'),
                             Column(ColumnType.STRING, 'vin'),
                             Column(ColumnType.STRING, 'license_plate'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'remote_ticket_id'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'ro_number'),
                             Column(ColumnType.DATETIME, 'dvi_signoff_datetime'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_images'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'total_rvh_images'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_motovisuals'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_videos'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_notes'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_green_items'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_orange_items'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_red_items'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_recommendations'),
                             Column(ColumnType.DATETIME, 'texted_on'),
                             Column(ColumnType.DATETIME, 'emailed_on'),
                             Column(ColumnType.DATETIME, 'viewed_on')])
        dataset = domo_client.datasets.create(dataset_request=dsr)"Created DataSet " + dataset['id'])
        return "creating dataset complete"
    def update_dataset(self):
        file_path = 'path\to\csvfile.csv'
        domo_client = self.generate_domo_client()
        domo_client.datasets.data_import_from_file(dataset_id=os.getenv("DOMO_TEST_DSID"), filepath=file_path,
        return "updated dataset"

    Hope this code solution works for you and helps you out.


  • imelendez
    imelendez Member
    Answer ✓

    The awkward moment when you figure it out and have to post the answer to your own question.

    What I figured out:

    • If you use the Python SDK, leverage the datasets.create() method to create an API driven dataset.
    • You will need to instantiate the DataSetRequest() object and pass in your
    • Build out your schema for your using DSR
    • Execute dataset creation
    • Leverage the data_import_from_file() method to upload the csv data to the newly created API dataset
    def create_dataset(self):
        domo_client = self.generate_domo_client()
        dsr = DataSetRequest() = 'ATME_TEST_PYTHON'
        dsr.description = 'This is a test'
        dsr.schema = Schema([Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'shop_id'),
                             Column(ColumnType.STRING, 'location_id'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'status_id'),
                             Column(ColumnType.DATETIME, 'date_closed'),
                             Column(ColumnType.STRING, 'firstname'),
                             Column(ColumnType.STRING, 'lastname'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'remote_customer_id'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'year'),
                             Column(ColumnType.STRING, 'make'),
                             Column(ColumnType.STRING, 'model'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'remote_vehicle_id'),
                             Column(ColumnType.STRING, 'vin'),
                             Column(ColumnType.STRING, 'license_plate'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'remote_ticket_id'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'ro_number'),
                             Column(ColumnType.DATETIME, 'dvi_signoff_datetime'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_images'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'total_rvh_images'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_motovisuals'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_videos'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_notes'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_green_items'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_orange_items'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_red_items'),
                             Column(ColumnType.LONG, 'dvi_recommendations'),
                             Column(ColumnType.DATETIME, 'texted_on'),
                             Column(ColumnType.DATETIME, 'emailed_on'),
                             Column(ColumnType.DATETIME, 'viewed_on')])
        dataset = domo_client.datasets.create(dataset_request=dsr)"Created DataSet " + dataset['id'])
        return "creating dataset complete"
    def update_dataset(self):
        file_path = 'path\to\csvfile.csv'
        domo_client = self.generate_domo_client()
        domo_client.datasets.data_import_from_file(dataset_id=os.getenv("DOMO_TEST_DSID"), filepath=file_path,
        return "updated dataset"

    Hope this code solution works for you and helps you out.