How to use upload-snowflake domo-cli command


When i tried the upload-snowflake as 

upload-snowflake -j 'snowflake-jdbc-3.13.14.jar' --jdbcUrl 'jdbc:snowflake://' -db 'POC' -schema 'LANDING' -t 'TABLE_NAME' -w 'POC_WH' --jdbcUser pocuser --jdbcPassword 'pass' -i 'cdff7a82-9440-4c7f-9bc4-3c40787ef878' -arn 'arn:aws:s3:::abc-buck-1' -b 'abc-buck-1' -f 'domo_cli_1' -k 'AKIAV2BKJDCHD54LPK' -s 'hdjuegcFMgzXulvrg1sQPZdu2kKDRFhbBHyCjh/s' -r 'Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1'

I am getting error as  

copy into s3://abc-buck-1/domo_cli_1/null from TABLE_NAME credentials = (AWS_KEY_ID = 'AKIAV2BKJDCHD54LPK' AWS_SECRET_KEY = 'hdjuegcFMgzXulvrg1sQPZdu2kKDRFhbBHyCjh/s') file_format = (type=csv compression='gzip' field_optionally_enclosed_by='"') single=false max_file_size=100_000_000 overwrite=true

 ERROR in getDataStreams(): SQL compilation error:

syntax error line 1 at position 282 unexpected 'overwrite'.

net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeSQLException: SQL compilation error:

syntax error line 1 at position 282 unexpected 'overwrite'.



  • GrantSmith

    Hi @Raj

    This is something the Labs team would need to investigate as it appears to be a bug in the CLI. Since they'll have access to the source code I'd recommend opening up a ticket with support to help your issue get resolved.

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