Custom DOMO connector for Adobe not working


Hello everyone, 

I was looking for a way to pull all calculated metrics and segments from Adobe into a DOMO dataset. This is similar to using the Swagger UI of Adobe. But I took the route of Custom Connector using OAuth authentication method. 


These are the steps I followed. 

1. I created a project in  to retrieve CLIENT SECRET & KEY

2. Used as the redirect URI. 

3. Created a custom connector at Used the above client secret and key for the OAuth method ( Refer screen shot for full details) OAuth.png




















Note: I tried with https versions too in Auth & Access Token URLs. 

4. Once I click Get Access Token I am able to login to Adobe and after the login dialog closes I do the RUN SCRIPT. The result is shown below. The result gives accesstoken as null and authentication fails. 


I tried the same with POSTMAN and OAutho2.0 Playground ( changing the redirect URL in my adobe console program settings as per instructions) . These two methods worked and I am able to generate access token and code in OUAuth2.0 Playground and get the calculated metric and segment list through POSTMAN. 


But this API method fails. Can some one guide me in solving this issue? Thanks in Advance