Best of May 2015!



The Dojo Momentum continues to build and we had a number of milestones in May. We deployed Single Sign on from Domo product to simplify the login and registration experience. As a result, we more than doubled the number of new registrations with over 100 new members joining in May. We have also secured dedicated engineering resources from the product management team who are currently reviewing all of the great ideas in our ideas exchange. Look for updates shortly!


Now to the May highlights!


@nalbright took the Dojo by storm leading the way in the following categories:


  • he delivered 3 Accepted Solutions
  • contributed 37 posts
  • gave 41 likes
  • read 577 posts and 
  • spent the most minutes on line 

Congratulations to @nalbright for an awesome May!!!


@swyatt and @RobynLinden were also very active in May and tied for 2nd most likes given with 19 each. They also received 6 and 11 likes respectively. @RobynLinden had 17 posts while @swyatt had 13 posts.


@cmarkum contributed 2 more accepted solutions in May and received the most likes with 16 of any member. 


All of the above continued to contribute at least 1 more idea to the Ideas exchange in May.


Speaking of Ideas @Shevy lead all members with 6 new ideas in the month of May.


Finally @Godzilla delivered another accepted solution, received 8 likes and contributed one new idea during the month of May.


THANK YOU to all of our top performers in May. We have great things planned for June especially the updates to all of the great ideas that have been submitted to date.





  • Congratulations and shout out to @nalbright for becoming our first customer to reach the Orange Belt level!


    Congratulations and well done!



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